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Thank you forum members


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I am logged in under a different name since I couldn't remember my password - my other name was sunshinepuppy.


I wanted to thank this forum, and especially DownTown, for helping me understand what I was going through. If it wasn't for this forum, I would have gone back to my abusive ex fiancé who I am almost certain has Borderline Personality Disorder. Because of this forum, I was prepared for him to blame everything on me, to try and manipulate me on going back to him - for the 10th time in 2 years. He did everything a BPD would do...he blamed me for 100% of our failure, and he took back all his promises he made me about helping me financially when we broke up because he controlled all the finances, my car, my job, everything. If I didn't have this forum, I would have crawled back to him again.

So THANK YOU, everyone. I can't express how much your kind words gave me strength to finally move on.

He took everything, and left me with nothing. I am crying in a cheap motel room about to give him back the car we have shared with both our names on the title for 1 year, and to which I traded in my car for. In the end I have no place to live, no job, and no car. I hardly have any money in the bank. He says out of the kindness of his heart he will give me the money I put towards the car so I can get an apartment.

If it weren't for you guys, I would crawl back, because this really SUCKS. But because I understand his BPD, I realize it's not MY FAULT.

I will stay strong and make it through this.

Thank you LoveShack.Org.

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Sunshine, thanks so much for reaching out with the kind words. I'm glad to hear that the information and experiences we shared with you were helpful. Please take care, Sunshine!

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Thanks for registering and letting the members know you were helped. Often, even if perhaps not directly helpful to the OP, we post to help/connect with/support the unseen readers on the internet. Members like Downtown are a real asset to this forum and I'm happy you were helped.


Things might seem down right now, with all the challenges you're currently facing, but they're looking up, I promise. It'll work out and the chances you make for yourself today will become the opportunities for success tomorrow.


Good luck and best wishes.

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