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Where to go on a first date?

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to know what is best for a first date? Take her to a movie or take her out and eat?


Also, when is the best time to ask a girl for her number and to go out on the first date?


I just started talking to this girl who I'm attracted to of course a few days ago for the first time. So I just wanted to know when is it best to ask for her number and to go out on a date? and what is best to do on a first date?

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Originally posted by ShortFuze

Hey everyone, I just wanted to know what is best for a first date? Take her to a movie or take her out and eat?


Also, when is the best time to ask a girl for her number and to go out on the first date?


I just started talking to this girl who I'm attracted to of course a few days ago for the first time. So I just wanted to know when is it best to ask for her number and to go out on a date? and what is best to do on a first date?



the best time to ask her out is before anyone else gets in. seriously. there is no particular time scale. if she likes you do it now. if she doesn't, waiting probably won't make her say yes anyway.


so she smiles, she seems to like you, you've got lots in common?


well, if it's affirmative to all the above and she hasn't mentioned a boyfriend, what are you waiting for?


i happen to think you cannot go on a better date than to the cinema, but i'm in a minority of one. because you can't talk there and either one of you could discover the other's appalling taste in movies at any time.


keep it informal. a drink, a meal, a trip to the theatre, an exhibition she'd be interested in. you'll be fine.

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I agree with bluetuesday. I usually take women to coffee or out to eat on a first date. I usually make it a point to go somewhere less crowded and quiet so we can talk and get to know each other.

If youre a little shy however, a movie might be a good idea. This will allow you to spend some time with her, but you wont have to spend the entire time talking.

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If you're interested, go for number right there. Her response will let you know of the level of interest of you from her. If you got her number, go for brunch. Positives to that is you dont have to dress up for it (casual) and if you're worried about cost, very economical. Let her do the talking and above all listen. Read her body language. She giving you one word response means shes not interested in you like that. If she denegrates you in any way (experience learned with me and this woman), be good mannered to hear her out and not give any opinions, when she feels she's done, you guys walk away but you come the better person because you didnt go down to her level. If the brunch went well, you know what to do.

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should i be the one who pays for everything on the first date? i know that's a good thing but sometimes doing the good thing is not good since many girls likes the "bad guy."

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haha that's hilarious! Sorry....just cuz girls tend to like the "bad guy" doesn't mean the bad guy wouldn't pay for the date! I dated bad guys before and paying for the date doesn't have anything to do with whether they're a good guy or bad guy. I would offer to pay for it and try to insist but if she appears REALLY uncomfortable with it offer to split the cost.


As for a first date, I would definitely suggest going to a quiet restaurant. It doesn't have to be too fancy or anything, just a place where there's good food and you guys can talk and get to know each other better. I've been with my boyfriend for 14 months and I STILL love going to a restaurant with him....more so that we have a chance to talk than for the food. Good luck!!

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thanks for your reply. i'm just really concerned and worried because i've always been the nice guy in the past and always been dumped..i know sad to say but its the truth. i don't know what i do wrong. maybe i should turn into a jackass! haha sike

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I think what tends to happen is that women date the "bad guys" for a bit and then when they come to their senses they realize that the "good guy" is really the best choice. That's what happened with me. When I was 19, I had a "bad guy" and a "good guy" that both wanted to date me.....so I thought long and hard about it and ended up dating the "bad guy" cuz I'd never dated a guy like that before and because he was dangerous and interesting. Well....3 years later I found out he was cheating on me....and not only that but after a year the "bad guy" stuff just got annoying and old.....like seriously, at SOME POINT you'd think he'd grow up and be responsible...but no that wasn't happening....


Anyways....to make a long story short.....after me and the "bad guy" split up, I made my way back to the "good guy" and now I'm happier than I've ever been....in fact we're going to get married eventually....hope you learned something from that story. Just be yourself, that's what I say. Cuz honestly, even if you TRIED to be the "bad guy", it wouldn't be YOU....so don't bother....yes, sometimes the "good guy" gets dumped and walked all over....but eventually a girl will realize just how good she has it with you and she'll hold on tight and never wanna let go :) Good luck!!!

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