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Baby PT


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Today we took our son to a PT evaluation. He's 10 months old. We took him at the recommendation of our pediatrician since he's not even remotely crawling yet and basically hates being on his tummy. In everything else he's on schedule.


The PT confirmed that he's behind and gave us some exercises. He's probably behind due to being born prematurely and having two surgeries which cut down on his tummy time for a few weeks.


I know logically that it's just the way it is and he'll be fine, but emotionally I feel like I caused this because I got pregnant when I was too old, that something in my body decided to make him be born too soon, etc.


I went into the PT thinking it was an evaluation thing and we'd have some exercises to do. But now she said we should plan on weekly visits for a few months. I've worked with kids before so I know this kind of thing will help in the long run, especially catching it early. But it still hurts.


Anyone have any experience or advice on this? Thanks.

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One of my sons barely crawled and wasn't terribly interested or happy on his tummy. Then around 11 months, he got up on his hands and knees, pulled up, started cruising then walking, all in a couple of days.


So my advice is that unless your child doesn't start walking by 1.5 years, I'd relax and see how it goes. Our concern and stress can stress our children out.

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I have not had experience with this but, I have advice.


You do not need to blame your self, You should do whats best for you and your son. Which means if you are over whelmed because of the PT stuff switch with your husband, get a baby sitter and go to a movie. As much as you can dwell on how your son is behind how is that going to benifit you in the long run?


Best of luck sweet heart!

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It will pass.


Even though you feel right in the thick of it right now, it will pass- your baby will walk eventually and you'll be worrying about something else!


With my oldest daughter I was anxiously waiting for each milestone and comparing her to all the other babies I knew that were the same age.

And I stressed about things so much- things that seem trivial now- getting rid of the dummy, getting her into a big bed, weaning, etc etc etc. (They ARE trivial compared to your concerns, but its all relative.)


With my second daughter, I am already FAR more relaxed. I haven't read a single baby book, and shes developing fine, shes great.


She is only 10 weeks, and has to wear this little leg brace thing for a while because of suspected hip dysplasia (I had problems when I was a baby, and its hereditary so it probably IS my fault) but right now, it is what it is, and we're just dealing with it.


Be kind to yourself. Parental guilt is so easy to feel, but its so unnecessary- usually the people who worry the most about whether they are great parents are doing a great job without knowing it.

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Thank you all for the kind words...like I said, I know logically none of this is my fault, but it's hard sometimes! I was 40 when I had him. And I know the PT will help, I worked at a preschool a number of years and saw other kids with various issues who would get some help and really improve, plus it would strengthen their self esteem. I'm sure too it's First Time Mom syndrome at its best!


I do feel better this morning, though I'm sure some of that is the fact he slept for ten hours straight last night. :D

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