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Salacious details within – Sex, Lies, and Audiotape! Did she cheat? Opinion needed!

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You must not have seen that post...it was a few pages.back, I think. Someone from this forum sent him a message with some ideas on how to further investigate

Nether or not I "did the deed" with his cousin. They told him, apparently, that he should hide a recording device in my purse...he did so the other day. The only way I found out about it was because the wind was blowing a little but as I walked to my car after my shift, and I heard some weird feedback noise coming from my purse. Took me almost 10 minutes to find the damn thing, and I was pissed. I work for a bank, and come in contact with personal information on a daily basis...if it had been picked up on the recording device and someone at work found out about it, I would be immediately terminated and possibly face jail time. I'm thankful no one at work found the device, or heard it from inside my purse.


Why you put up with this is unbelievable!

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Also, a couple days ago, I asked G many times if M had returned to my house and talked with her at anytime during that day when she was home with the kids (before this audio from the day in question). At first she avoided the question, but then I asked again and she said "maybe, I don't remember, I'd have to know the exact day". Eventually G did say that M returned that day and they did talk to each other, of course. So it could have been then that the plan was made and the beans spilled by M to G about the audio recording device in the house.


I avoided the question initially because I didn't know what day he was referencing, or if M had even been in town at the time.


If M had told me about the audio, I wouldn't have been able to act surprised when B blasted the accusation initially. I don't hide my emotions well, I don't lie well, and if I know something ahead of time that I'm not supposed to know about, I want an explanation then and there. I would have confronted B and asked him about the audio device if I had known about it...not kept quiet about it and then act like WTF are you talking about?!?!?! when he accused me of cheating with M.

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It's very unhealthy to stay - and you know it.


I've contemplated ending the relationship...even left and went to my old

Roommate's place or to a hotel a couple of times since the accusations started. But when I did that, we were both miserable away from the other one.

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He has issues you can't fix for him.


I'd rather be on my own than with someone who violates my privacy at every turn!


And a large percentage of people doing the accusing - are actually the one cheating!

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Sorry girl but it's like talking to a block of wood, he won't accept you passed a polygraph, he's broken. This is what you want for yourself?

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And a large percentage of people doing the accusing - are actually the one cheating!


I've thought of that possibility...that he won't give up on the accusation because it was him who cheated, him that has something to hide. But every time I ask him about it, he says that he has to have an opportunity to cheat, and he doesn't think he does. He attracted me...I don't understand why another woman wouldn't find him attractive as well. He says he hasn't done anything, though...

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Sorry girl but it's like talking to a block of wood, he won't accept you passed a polygraph, he's broken. This is what you want for yourself?


I've been dating him for a little over 7 months now, and our relationship hasn't always been like this. If it had, I wouldn't still be holding onto hope for us. I fell in love with him long before any of this started, and I can't leave the one I love knowing that, with counseling, we might have a good chance of overcoming this. I have to give the counseling a shot.

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I've been dating him for a little over 7 months now, and our relationship hasn't always been like this. If it had, I wouldn't still be holding onto hope for us. I fell in love with him long before any of this started, and I can't leave the one I love knowing that, with counseling, we might have a good chance of overcoming this. I have to give the counseling a shot.


However much I admire you for wanting to give your relationship its best shot by going to counseling, I think this guy is an obsessive control freak and at only 7 months into it you should consider cutting your losses as a real possibility.


If you make an A|B list of pros and cons, you have a very long list of dysfunctional crap on the one side, balanced by "I'm attached" on the other side. I think it's kind of amazing that you haven't already told him to shove those recordings where the sun don't shine and just let him and his cousin duke it out over whatever was on that tape.


I listened to the tape several time and I couldn't hear anything decisive with regard to the accusations. You took the polygraph and passed. Your demeanor in this thread is pretty convincing as well. If this guy seriously believes that you're the kind of shameless slut that would f*ck his weird-ass cousin the second he walks out the door, why are you willing to subject yourself to this extremely cruel condemnation and lack of trust? Do you not feel that how he sees you is integral to having a satisfactory relationship? I think you're setting yourself up to be treated like a doormat from now on. Just my opinion, fwiw.

Edited by salparadise
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So now it's my fault that she cheated and had a quick fling and never thought she and M would get found out? I am a good fish, but good fish don't like to be trampled upon and then lied to over and over.



I don't know whether she cheated on you or not, but I know your personality type and it is not healthy.

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As I stated in my first or second response to this thread, you have trust issues that run very very deep, and it will be a factor in any relationship you enter.

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However much I admire you for wanting to give your relationship its best shot by going to counseling, I think this guy is an obsessive control freak and at only 7 months into it you should consider cutting your losses as a real possibility.

^^^^ THIS ^^^^


If you were seven YEARS into this relationship, I can see why you would want to fight so hard to keep it. But at seven months, to see this guy who is so distrustful and paranoid to take audio files public for analysis AND put a recorder in your purse reeks of insecurity.


I am astonished you are willing to fight for this type of relationship.

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^^^^ THIS ^^^^


If you were seven YEARS into this relationship, I can see why you would want to fight so hard to keep it. But at seven months, to see this guy who is so distrustful and paranoid to take audio files public for analysis AND put a recorder in your purse reeks of insecurity.


I am astonished you are willing to fight for this type of relationship.


Bingo! You may love him, but your life will be hell as long as you are with him.

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I have a high definition audio recording device installed in my home for security purposes.


No, you don't. There is no security purpose for high definition audio recording devices.


I own several homes and commercial properties and NEVER ONCE has any security personnel from a company ever suggested such means for security purposes.

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However much I admire you for wanting to give your relationship its best shot by going to counseling, I think this guy is an obsessive control freak and at only 7 months into it you should consider cutting your losses as a real possibility.


If not wanting your significant other to have sex with dudes in your house less than 20 minutes after you leave for work in the morning is controlling, then yes, by all means I am controlling. So what would you do, just let it happen? Forget about it? Pretend it never happened?


We are way off topic in this thread. This thread’s purpose is to ask people’s opinions regarding whether or not G cheated, not to debate the relationship or the methods by which I discovered the said sexual activity occurring less than 20 minutes after I left for work, when only two people were at the house at the time I left.


I will start another thread for that purpose, here it is. Please stay on topic in each thread.

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Just want to let everyone who has posted their thoughts and opinions on here know that I confessed to B tonight and came clean about what he heard on the audio. We are going to work on it and continue with the counseling sessions so that he can trust me again. I made a huge mistake in doing what I did, and I am grateful that he is willing to give me a second chance.

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Just want to let everyone who has posted their thoughts and opinions on here know that I confessed to B tonight and came clean about what he heard on the audio. We are going to work on it and continue with the counseling sessions so that he can trust me again. I made a huge mistake in doing what I did, and I am grateful that he is willing to give me a second chance.


Did you have sex with his cousin?

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Yes, it's for real


What did you confess? That you gave him a blowjob?!?!?

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What did you confess? That you gave him a blowjob?!?!?


Yes, that's what I did.

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Yes, that's what I did.


And, a blowjob isn't sex to you?


Why did you do that?


If it was you - it seems that was a usual routine for the cousin - he called you in to be serviced - and you just went without any words?

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Yes, that's what I did.

Oy vey.

























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