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Salacious details within – Sex, Lies, and Audiotape! Did she cheat? Opinion needed!

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We know you can lie, let me ask you again, did you have sex with his cousin, not just a BJ but grown up man woman sex where he penetrates an orifice other than your mouth?

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We know you can lie, let me ask you again, did you have sex with his cousin, not just a BJ but grown up man woman sex where he penetrates an orifice other than your mouth?


No, no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO....A MILLION TIMES NO

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No, no, no, no, no, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO....A MILLION TIMES NO


Since you're such an accomplished liar, I guess it means yes.


Thank you for honesty ;)

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We know you can lie, let me ask you again, did you have sex with his cousin, not just a BJ but grown up man woman sex where he penetrates an orifice other than your mouth?


Why are you so consumed with her? Do you have nothing else in your life going on?

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And since she was STILL in the house after the first 30 minutes - and porn was on tv - its safe to understand that she watched it with him. Maybe round 2 of more sex... Seems likely to me.


Since there's evidence she has no morals - anything is possible.


But I can assure you this wasn't their first encounter.

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How will you ever make him feel safe again, you lie, you cheat, you can beat a polygraph, your word means nothing you've proven that already. You have lied to us, I sure won't believe anything you write again. How did you justify sucking cousins D**k to yourself, you didn't even hesitate a fraction of a moment, your man was hardly out the door. You didn't think about your man's health at all, there is a very good possibility that because of cousins on going use of hookers, he might have an STD. Whatever fluids you exchanged with cousin goes to your innocent spouse. How do you explain the fact that you didn't hesitate, you didn't talk, you didn't put up a struggle, you just put his d**k in your mouth and started. What kind of woman does that to her spouse with his own family? You two have done this before because you just went at it too quickly.

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How will you ever make him feel safe again, you lie, you cheat, you can beat a polygraph, your word means nothing you've proven that already. You have lied to us, I sure won't believe anything you write again. How did you justify sucking cousins D**k to yourself, you didn't even hesitate a fraction of a moment, your man was hardly out the door. You didn't think about your man's health at all, there is a very good possibility that because of cousins on going use of hookers, he might have an STD. Whatever fluids you exchanged with cousin goes to your innocent spouse. How do you explain the fact that you didn't hesitate, you didn't talk, you didn't put up a struggle, you just put his d**k in your mouth and started. What kind of woman does that to her spouse with his own family? You two have done this before because you just went at it too quickly.



This is probably pointless, because you've already said that you won't believe anything else I post...but before pointing fingers in my direction and my direction only, you all might want to ask HIM his side of last night's events leading up to my little "confession". And yes, there's a reason that word is in quotation marks.

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Neither of them will make a difference in my life. She can bang his whole family and it won't change a thing in my life. It won't take away from my enjoyment of the Grand Marnier Cuvee de Centenaire that I am sipping on as I write this. When I turn off my computer I will still have my integrity, she will still be.......... guess there is no sense in repeating myself.


I just saw your post EO50822, are you telling me you confessed just to make piece regardless if it is the truth or not?

Edited by aliveagain
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Only because I went out of my way to defender her, she passed a polygraph with flying colors, it doesn't make sense. You Realist3 are right, I will now leave this post and wish you both a happy life together and if you are compromising yourself to appease him that's your issue to deal with.

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You can't go on without telling us:


a) how you beat the poly

b) how you knew you would beat the poly


I'm guessing she phukked the polygraph guy.

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This is probably pointless, because you've already said that you won't believe anything else I post...but before pointing fingers in my direction and my direction only, you all might want to ask HIM his side of last night's events leading up to my little "confession". And yes, there's a reason that word is in quotation marks.


I contacted M after the confession and he said that the two did have relations that day. Not in such words though, he used words that I can't post here.


I don't know what the quotations mean though?



We know you can lie, let me ask you again, did you have sex with his cousin, not just a BJ but grown up man woman sex where he penetrates an orifice other than your mouth?


Listen the the last part of the first audio and one can hear banging around as if sex is happening, and the second audio clip where M blares the TV is quite odd. I can hear him going to either the office or our bedroom and shutting the door clicking the lock, then emerging after a few minutes. Maybe it was just to finish off? Why blare the TV that loud anyways?

Edited by BreatheForABit
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We know you can lie, let me ask you again, did you have sex with his cousin, not just a BJ but grown up man woman sex where he penetrates an orifice other than your mouth?


How on Earth is that relevant?

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I just saw your post EO50822, are you telling me you confessed just to make piece regardless if it is the truth or not?


That's exactly what I'm saying. That's what he wanted to hear, after all. Now M is pissed about the nasty text B had me send last night, and retaliating by making **** up to make matters even worse.

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So you are indicating your "confession" was something you made up to get B to let go of this?


and - how did you know you would beat the polly?

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So you are indicating your "confession" was something you made up to get B to let go of this?


and - how did you know you would beat the polly?


Yes, that's what I'm indicating. He told me last night that if I didn't fess up and tell him that I was sorry and it would never happen again, that we were as good as over. So I told him, reluctantly, what he wanted to know...then he told me to get on the forum and tell you all what I'd confessed to...and also to text M a nasty message and forward it to M's girlfriend.


The more I thought about it, the more it bugged me, that I let him have that much control over me and the situation. So I emailed the counselor we are working with and told him about last night, then told B that I only told him what I did last night because it was what HE wanted to hear, rather than the TRUTH that I've been telling him all along. But apparently he'd rather be alone than have someone who loves him, helps him with household expenses, watches his daughter when he isn't home, does all the laundry, etc. I don't get why some people can just throw away a good thing.

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Good gods of Olympus, this thread is still going?


What happened to working this out between yourselves? I recall suggesting it, and I see others have done the same.


For the record, I didn't hear anything conclusive in the audio that points the finger at G. She passed a polygraph, and while giving B a false confession was not wise, most people would do so under such stressful interrogation.


I'm sorry, but that is exactly the word that comes to mind.


B, you really need to do something, here. If you truly want to work things out with G, stop with the accusations! Do you love her? Is this cloak and dagger tripe worth your relationship falling apart? If you cannot learn to let this go, then you need to let her go. This is beyond ridiculous. Did you really think the whole "he said, she said" would go over well on LS? Of course you're going to get mixed replies! Everyone has their own idea of what has occurred. Some of them are letting their personal demons come through on this, which I've said previously.


G, you've run the bloody gauntlet for him. I suggest this: if he doesn't drop this whole debacle, drop him. This has gone on long enough. If neither one of you makes a decision, nothing about this situation is going to change.

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It was sex between M and another person, that much is FOR SURE and agreed upon nearly unanimously,


Pardon me for butting in, but I believe you said there was a dog in the house? If someone were doing the dog, I doubt they'd admit to it... Such animal could be enticed... I know that's sick, but some people are...


Things were so noisy it was difficult to hear clearly. But am I to understand the audio recording is right by the BATHROOM? What the hell kind of security system is that? Gross!


If I was a woman living under those conditions, I'd move right out -- even if I hadn't done anything or was accused of anything!

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There's no way to believe you.


You've been caught...you even thanked the dude.


Who cares???? Your boyfriend has no boundary and will keep you around.


Don't sweat it.

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I'm thinking it's all a set-up anyway. None of these people are mentally healthy. Boyfriend, because he's controlling and weird. Girlfriend, because she has low self-esteem to stay with that situation. And cousin, because... well just because whatever happened, he's just weird.

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Yes, that's what I'm indicating. He told me last night that if I didn't fess up and tell him that I was sorry and it would never happen again, that we were as good as over. So I told him, reluctantly, what he wanted to know...then he told me to get on the forum and tell you all what I'd confessed to...and also to text M a nasty message and forward it to M's girlfriend.


The more I thought about it, the more it bugged me, that I let him have that much control over me and the situation. So I emailed the counselor we are working with and told him about last night, then told B that I only told him what I did last night because it was what HE wanted to hear, rather than the TRUTH that I've been telling him all along. But apparently he'd rather be alone than have someone who loves him, helps him with household expenses, watches his daughter when he isn't home, does all the laundry, etc. I don't get why some people can just throw away a good thing.


I'm going to say this one last time. You need to get yourself away from this man. He is no good for you or anyone.

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Just a Guy

Hi Folks, I think there is something rotten in this relationship. There is lack of trust, gas lighting, deceit, controlling behaviour, and a complete disregard for the small children involved in this sordid affair. Will such a relationship work? Guess it will be like a train which keeps getting derailed every now and then. Let us wish the protagonists all the very best for the future!

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