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My 2nd chance???

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So I went out with my ex Friday night. And we clicked like we did when we first fell in love. Everything was great. It was the best time I 've had in a long time.


We've been broken up since June. For my complete story, check here:




So she's dating this guy who turns psycho on her (tries to get her voicemail from her cell, gets caught, then gets caught the next day following her home). She agrees to hang out with me friday.


So we go out and have great time. You have no idea how much we click. We start talking about "us". We tell each other we still are in love with other. She tells me she wants to be with me but she cant b/cof how much I hurt her. An hour later, she reaches over and shoves her tongue in my mouth. Two hours later, we almost had sex.


Well anyway, thats my story. Any opinions?

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Sounds like she wants to be with you but is afraid she will end up hurt. Your job is to try and get her to show her that if you two got back together things won't end the same way and all it will take is for you two to communicate better and put in an effort.


If you really want to see what she thinks, you should tell her you don't want to get back together with her the way she is because you don't think she can truly handle a relationship and the only way you would consider getting back together with her is if she changes how she handles stuff. Good chance she will get all defensive and try and prove to you she can and will press for you two to get back together. :)

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