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In Love with a player

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come across your post, and have a similar problem, but he didnt sleep with others... the relationship has been taken great toll on me in last 1.5 years... I don't know whether I ask too much or he is just stringing me along while looking for the "one"...

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come across your post, and have a similar problem, but he didnt sleep with others... the relationship has been taken great toll on me in last 1.5 years... I don't know whether I ask too much or he is just stringing me along while looking for the "one"...


I am glad I am not the only one, walking away is hard, and I do realize he has different values and told him as such finally, he started crying - however - I am pretty sure he is out with "susie" to console and lick his wounds. And now I feel like the creep for telling him my feelings, after all I am pointing out his flaws which he doesn't like. I am sure he doesn't want to hurt me and I did tell him I don't think he gives a rats about my feelings and pretty sure he does not. He called me to come over a few nights ago- that is so "I wont bug him the next 2 nights while he's "out and about".


Broken? Really? Or maybe he just wants to enjoy being single and play with all the girls that will play with him until he's ready to settle down. He isn't doing anything wrong by choosing to play the field - and it most certainly doesn't mean he is "broken".


Yes, it is his right to find what he wants... sure, but I think I am just his backup plan while he is looking :confused::o Hard lesson I have learned.. watch a man's actions - not their words.. his tears may only be crocodile tears and I have realized the emotional damage here for me.. I can finally say at least on here that "I am tired of being hung out to dry emotionally while he has a good time".


And If he came to me tomorrow and really wanted me-or asked me to be exclusive/to get married, etc.... look at the awesome memories he has created for us figuring out what he wants!!! (gag :confused::sick:).. I will always feel as if I wasn't really "the one" even if he tries to convince me later.. you had to screw 20 others to figure that out?? Do the other women know he has been seeing me? probably not.. hes honest??

Edited by Blu_crush
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