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Birthdays are the hardest!


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I have had a miserable birthday. I spent the entire day thinking about Jane and Ann and Gordon. I have gone to their house to celebrate my birthday for years (probably 8 years) and this year all I did was cry to myself and hide the fact that I was miserable to my other friend who was trying to make it a good day for me.


I spent half the time hating Jane &the gang for everything and half the time expecting them to send me a ecard or email or something. I got nothing from them.


I was there to help raise those kids for most of there life. I was there more than their father was! I was the one they always talked to. I was the one they told their problems and secrets to. And I didnt even get a note to say happy birthday. I don't know whether to cry, scream, hate them or crawl into bed and pull the blankets over my head. I know that it was my choice to end this friendship but sometimes I wish I could take it back. I would at least like to know that they are thinking about me once in a while, that my friendship meant something to them. We were friends for 17 years and I feel like they could care less about the ending of our friendship.

I know I am whining but I have been miserable for 2 days now So I figured whining would help....thanks for letting me vent.

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You've had the good fortune of giving love and support. There's a reward in that---even if it doen't come back in equal measure. You have the benefit of loving and giving. Cheers.

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Oh, I forgot. I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. It probably doesn't mean much because it's not from someone you want to hear it from, but it's meant well all the same.


I'm a fellow Libra. Let's hope next year is better for both of us!

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