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Why is he so moody?


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I always thought that girls were the ones who were moody, but this guy has made me realize guys can be moody too. At first he was coming on to me so much, all the time, and he would call with the silliest questions that anyone else could have answered. We went out once, and he has kissed me once, over the course of a couple months. The problem is I can't really tell if he likes me or not. I'll spend one week thinking he doesn't like me at all, because he'll sort of ignore me, or just give me short answers when I talk to him, even if he's alone. And then the next week he'll come back, wanting to do stuff with me, and hanging all over me again. I know better than to get to attached to him because I know he'll just start acting weird again. he almost acts mad sometimes, I know that it's not me, I haven't done anything to him, but I do consider him a friend and it hurts me that he wont confide in me when he's obviously upset about something. I don't want a relationship with him, obviously he has seriously issues with communication. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and if anyone has any ideas about why he acts this way. We're both 20 and in college by the way.

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I understand just what you are saying and I can tell you there are many things that can be involved ,


His age, his home life , his maturity level, his sign , his phycological makeup , etc. the only sure way to know is to talk to him about it , if you want to know how he feels about you ask ,he just may not be ready for a relationship or has no experience on how to treat one . Life is too short to sit around and play quessing games . No one deserves to be treated badly for no reason , if it continues end it now before you get to deeply involved .


Good luck !

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Thanks, I was kind of thinking about that stuff. I guess the hard thing for me to deal with is the fact that he kissed me, I need to remind myself that a kiss doesn't necessarily mean something to everyone, and he doesn't "owe" me anything because of it. If only it wasn't the best kiss I've ever experienced, and everytime I see him all I want is for him to kiss me again...


Anyway, thanks for you help, happy holidays!

I understand just what you are saying and I can tell you there are many things that can be involved , His age, his home life , his maturity level, his sign , his phycological makeup , etc. the only sure way to know is to talk to him about it , if you want to know how he feels about you ask ,he just may not be ready for a relationship or has no experience on how to treat one . Life is too short to sit around and play quessing games . No one deserves to be treated badly for no reason , if it continues end it now before you get to deeply involved . Good luck !
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It could be that he's not sure whether you like him or not either. And he seems upset that he can't figure out whether you're interested or not. A guy did this same thing to me, and it was because he felt I was sending him mixed signals.


But then again, I had another guy friend who acted the same way, and it was just because he was having a crazy few months going through his own money, school, and car problems. So he was moody.


I'm not saying these two reasons may be it, but just a possibility.

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A kiss can mean different things to different people. It can be a very casual thing to the kisser and a very profound experience to the kissee. It is about what is going on inside your head at the time and you can't assume that you both feel the same thing.


I have been kissed very powerfully by some of the "worst" guys in the world (in terms of stability, honesty, habits and addictions). I mistook the intense feelings their kisses brought out for something that was very close to love. But these guys were also moody and were not really relationship material. They were just fascinating to me. If I had pinned my hopes on them, my poor heart would have been broken lots of times.


He has to prove to you that he can sustain a relationship with you before you should allow yourself to get too attached (unless you like the yo-yo existence of wondering what kind of mood he will be in and when will be the next time he will come around).

cera, It could be that he's not sure whether you like him or not either. And he seems upset that he can't figure out whether you're interested or not. A guy did this same thing to me, and it was because he felt I was sending him mixed signals.


But then again, I had another guy friend who acted the same way, and it was just because he was having a crazy few months going through his own money, school, and car problems. So he was moody. I'm not saying these two reasons may be it, but just a possibility.

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