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One of my best friends and I have been friends for a long time, at least 9 years. There was a point when we were younger that we would talk constantly on the phone all the time all day long. But now I’m older, in my twenties, and I work at a job where I’m already on the phone all day long so when I get off I don’t want to be on the phone.


I don’t hate her, it’s not that I don’t want to talk to her – but it’s just that I really have nothing to talk about with her. She calls me every friggin’ day like right when I get off work. I get off work at 4 PM, and like right at 4 she calls me, like right down to the second. It’s as if she sits and watches the clock all day long and then as soon as the hand lands on 4 PM she picks up the phone and calls.


I’m so annoyed by this because I’m just getting off work, I’ve been on the phone all day long the last thing I want to do is come home and be on the phone. Secondly, I have nothing new to say to her than the last time I talked to her, I hate being an ass but I’m in my 20’s and I am no longer into the talking on the phone thing – I hate talking on the phone. She has nothing interesting to say, I have nothing interesting to say so it’s boring. Most of the time I’m just listening to her talk to her daughter or talking about something stupid.


She calls on my cell phone which I leave at home because when I’m at work that is not the time for me to be on personal calls, they can wait until after work. I also don’t take my cell phone to work because I get barely any reception in there. I get off at 4, I usually go eat so by the time I get home or become free it might be 5:00.


By then I’m usually tired because I wake up early mornings, so typically I will take a nap and will wake up maybe 8 PM. Well she goes to bed early, both her and her daughter so of course I’m not going to call at 8 because that’s about what time they go to bed.


It’s irritating because she always jokingly says I’m ignoring her and stuff, but I’m thinking grow up. She has a husband, why doesn’t she tend to him? It’s not that I’m being mean, it’s just I’m not a kid no more that likes talking on the phone – I hate it.


I like to go out, go to the bar and drink or something – but I hate talking on the phone and I especially hate how she friggin’ calls me right at 4 PM. I get off work at 4 PM, unless you’re dying don’t friggin’ call me. Am I being a bit harsh?

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Maybe a bit harsh, yes.


It could be that your friend is wanting to talk to you about what you've been doing because she is bored who knows?


Find a kind way to let her know that when you get off work you've got so many things to get done, and that while you value her friendship you can't stay or be on the phone all of the time.


Good Luck

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I understand what you are saying. Maybe tell her, Hey! Lets do some emails because in the next few weeks I'm gonna be really busy and not sure if I'll be around much daily to do the call thing! And see how she is with that. Or you should just be honest with her and tell her the truth. It might hurt her feelings but I am sure she is picking up on some vibe when talking on the phone as well. She probably calls more because she's feeling insecure about the friendship or that vibe thing. I could be totally wrong too, but if it was me I would want to know the truth. If you guys are such good friends then you should be able to say anything to eachother.


Keep posting and good luck!

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