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husband taking the kids to meet girlfriend

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Techie Artist
They are 5 and 7. I thought my 7 year old would understand more and want to talk about it. He doesn't get it. I know I am not supposed to say anything bad about their dad. I dont want them to hate their dad.


I also dont want to fight with their dad about it. They will tell him what I said and ge will be pissed and probably make another moronic move to try and piss me off.


I have made a decision to let it go for now. Maybe once the divorce is final I will sit down with them and explain as age appropriately as possible. We will both be required to take a class about helping kuds cope with divorce. Maybe that will give me some better insight.


My children are 7. My son is a bit "male" in that he does not pick up on the emotional stuff unless it's serious (a shout, a cry, a boo boo, what have you). However, my daughter is very mature. She would understand something like "I'm not invited" and all that such a statement means. She would be able to relate to missing a birthday party because she had not been invited. So, in her own way, at her age, she can have empathy for the situation. However, my caveat is that I talk with her about what a family is, what faithfulness is, what respect is, etc. She is fully aware of right/wrong and is in touch with her feelings.


If your 7-year-old is clueless, he may be emotionally unprepared for what's going on amongst the adults. If you don't say something to explain your reactions, I think he's going to blame himself for making you cry/upset. That places the burden on him, and that's not fair.


Oh, and your making commentary about the situation is not "bad mouthing" their father. If you said, "He's a no-good, cheating, so-n-so who can't keep his willy in his pants," THAT would be inappropriate.

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