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On coke or not? What do you think?

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I met this guy about a week ago. He was very energetic and talkative. He seemed to be kinda jumpy too. My first thought was that he was on drugs. As the night went by, I started to assume that maybe that was just his personality because I didn't notice him sniffling or playing with his nose at all. A couple days later, we met up again. Again he was very jumpy. I noticed him rubbing his nose a few times, but not uncontrollably. Then one time after he rubbed his nose, he also took his finger and rubbed his gums above his top teeth in his mouth. I immediately thought he was on coke. I've never done coke myself, but have been around others doing it. I know that some rub it on their gums. I noticed him doing it two more times that night. Do you think he was on coke? Or am I just jumping to conclusions?

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how about asking him? that is the only way you will know for sure.


that said, i used to do coke a lot when i was younger. just because he is jumpy doesn't mean he's coked up. but i can't think of any reason why anyone would repeatedly rub their gums unless they were on it. but the thing is when i did it we always rubbed coke (well the residue from anything that touched it) on our gums. we never just rubbed our gums with nothing on our finger. was his hand in his pocket or touching anything else before hand?


just start a conversation about drugs and ask him what he has tried/is currently doing. besides spying on him, asking around...i don't know how else you will know for sure...short of asking him for a cup of urine.

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Tell him you've been craving for coke. You'll immediately know whether he's doing it or not.

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