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absolutely fkng fuming


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no contact from her.


im not allowed to contact her.


what the **** is going on?



how long is this going to last for?

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Forever in your case I think. Or until you learn how to curb your impulses

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no contact from her.


im not allowed to contact her.


what the **** is going on?



how long is this going to last for?


Until YOU decide to let go, until YOU decide to move on, until YOU decide to accept things as they are, and until YOU decide that enough is enough and YOU -- GET - OVER - IT.


Until then, until YOU do something about YOU - expect more of the same, same-old.


Next question.........?

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1) No contact from her.


Ok step aside for a second. Say you had/have a sister. She tells you her ex is a total obsessive nutjob. Would you tell her to go back to him? Listen she is probably a total b!tch has mind f cuked you to death but you are the one who has allowed it.


2) I'm not allowed to contact her.


Yes when the police get involved that tends to happen.


3) What the **** is going on?


She is living her life VERY happy you are no longer in it.


4) How long is this going to last for?


Until you actively seek the help of a mental health professional


Mental Health professional or just stop trolling. It's way beyond pathetic now dude. Just stop pointing to stupid signs when there aren't any. If someone calls the police on you has made no attempt to contact you it means they don't want you in their life. Why can't you understand this? Do you think you are the first guy to get dumped? No but you certainly are the most pathetic one..


Now a normal person gets on with their life but you are mentally ill Frederprick (or a troll). Until you recognise this and seek help no one on this site or any site in the world can help you...Get it?

Edited by Mack05
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im hurt big time.


no space or distance or time is going to heal this.


its been a year and its still raw

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i fell in love with someone 6 years younger than me.


its my own fking fault.

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I just breezed through your other billions of threads... and i agree with the other commentors. Why, oh why, are you still hung on this broad? she broke your heart, you stalked her, she got a restraining order against you, if you break it and she calls the cops you go to jail... hmm sounds pretty clear that you have no chance with her ever again, and any slight chance you may have (slight as in .00001) you are ruining by being the way you are. Time to move on... just let it go... once you start realizing she is not worth the trouble, then you will start to feel better, and maybe return to normal.

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i just read your first post... you've been broken up since august of last year? you dated two years? how in the hell have you not moved on yet? was she your first gf?

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No one should have that much control over another individual..Period..



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No one should have that much control over another individual..Period..




unless it is consensual bdsm! :love::p

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she's a first class tw*t and im sick and tired of the silence.


maybe use that attitude towards the line of thinking "look at how she treated me... I deserve better than this... time to move on!"?

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she's a first class tw*t and im sick and tired of the silence.


So do something about it. I mean, how can it get any worse? You might as well utterly destroy any self respect you might have left.

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3rd relationship.


she was it.


fell in love completely.


cant fall out of love.


and im angry. so fking angry.

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3rd relationship.


she was it.


fell in love completely.


cant fall out of love.


and im angry. so fking angry.


what do you do all day? work? school? hobbies?


Please see a shrink, we don't want to see you on the news one day for mass murder or something.

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what do you do all day? work? school? hobbies?


Please see a shrink, we don't want to see you on the news one day for mass murder or something.



I want to see him on the news as one of those guys who are on the ride when the rollercoaster suddenly stops and they're all hanging upside down for four hours.


Can you imagine?


"The injustice! First her, now this! I'm fuming!"


It would be grand.

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its my own fking fault.


This is the truest and most honest thing I think you've ever said, in all and every one of your posts.


You're absolutely right.


Where you are now, how you are feeling, what your attitude is and what you're dealing with, it's all - every bit of it - 100% on you.

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No one should have that much control over another individual..Period..




She hasn't.


I bet she has absolutely no idea this is going on.

He has abdicated all responsibility and is blaming it on her.


That's an altogether different situation.....

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TM is spot on. Fred you have lost the plot well and truely mate. You are like a Walter Mitty character living in your own world completely detached from reality. If you are serious you need professional help and fast. You have OCD and a Borderline Personality Disorder imo with a codependancy issue as well. You are frankly not well, not well at all. I had my guts spilled a year ago and she is still with the dude now she moved onto, probably engaged and planning their summer holiday. I am not even a fleeting thought to her but I have let her get on with it apart from an initial effort but it takes two to make something work. TWO people, not just you and your desires. MAN UP FFS ! Women hate this sort of ****. Try and grow a pair and have some self respect.

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He is either mentally ill or a troll. The cycle is the same. Few weeks post about her. He cant understand, he loves her, cant move on, she accidenty called, she was in his town...He heard a rumour she cut a loud fart which means it has to be a sign as she once farted in bed together...


He gets great advice, posts on the thread as if he didnt bother reading the replies. Disappears for few weeks, another post, same cycle. I Dont know what is worse the fact this idiot posts over and over again about he same ***** or that I still reply..


The problem with people who are mental is that they dont realize there are mental. This guy doesnt need therapy he needs a mental health professional. Sadly he didnt even read this post as he is to busy swatting imaginery flies thinking these flies are a sign from her. Either way I am done flogging this dead donkey...

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TM is spot on. Fred you have lost the plot well and truely mate. You are like a Walter Mitty character living in your own world completely detached from reality. If you are serious you need professional help and fast. You have OCD and a Borderline Personality Disorder imo with a codependancy issue as well. You are frankly not well, not well at all. I had my guts spilled a year ago and she is still with the dude now she moved onto, probably engaged and planning their summer holiday. I am not even a fleeting thought to her but I have let her get on with it apart from an initial effort but it takes two to make something work. TWO people, not just you and your desires. MAN UP FFS ! Women hate this sort of ****. Try and grow a pair and have some self respect.

1. i dont have ocd.

2. nope not got bpd. if anything, she has.

3. im not dependant on someone else to be happy. she was it. the future. my future. the reason i went to college. the reason i gave a sht about my appearance.

4. she never talks to me. ever. just silence. is she with someone else? i dont know. its better to know. i can then sack her off. she knows with the silence it keeps me hoping. its better to just know so i can get rid of everything we ever shared.

5. i can grow a pair, but not in this country. as taramaiden put it, time to leave the country.

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He is either mentally ill or a troll. The cycle is the same. Few weeks post about her. He cant understand, he loves her, cant move on, she accidenty called, she was in his town...He heard a rumour she cut a loud fart which means it has to be a sign as she once farted in bed together...


He gets great advice, posts on the thread as if he didnt bother reading the replies. Disappears for few weeks, another post, same cycle. I Dont know what is worse the fact this idiot posts over and over again about he same ***** or that I still reply..


The problem with people who are mental is that they dont realize there are mental. This guy doesnt need therapy he needs a mental health professional. Sadly he didnt even read this post as he is to busy swatting imaginery flies thinking these flies are a sign from her. Either way I am done flogging this dead donkey...


nope, not mentally ill. i'm not getting what i want and refusing to accept the situation. that isn't mentally ill. its called having the carpet pulled from beneath your feet and being royally ripped off.


im having some cognitive behavioural therapy in the next couple of weeks.


no counsellor is going to get rid of how i feel.


this girl has well and truly fked me up.


and one day, when she grows up, ill show her these posts, show her what i went through. she hasnt got a clue.

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I left the country a few times. Loved it but I did learn a lesson..Wherever u go there u are....That is so lost on you...


u always ignore me thats why I know u are a troll

Edited by Mack05
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I left the country a few times. Loved it but I did learn a lesson..Wherever u go there u are....That is so lost on you...


u always ignore me thats why I know u are a troll


it doesnt matter where i am.


love doesn't die. no obsession here mate. its a waiting game.

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nope, not mentally ill. i'm not getting what i want and refusing to accept the situation. that isn't mentally ill. its called having the carpet pulled from beneath your feet and being royally ripped off.


im having some cognitive behavioural therapy in the next couple of weeks.


no counsellor is going to get rid of how i feel.


this girl has well and truly fked me up.


and one day, when she grows up, ill show her these posts, show her what i went through. she hasnt got a clue.


Frederickk, buddy, your behavior is scary, and delusional.


You have to get a grip and get some help.


You aren't thinking clearly...this is really clear.


It's not about her anymore, it's about you.


You are self destructing. Get yourself some help.

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