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Why is the Divorce rate so HIGH??

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I was just wondering what are some of LS users thoughts on divorce. With a country that has a divorce rate of nearly 47%. That is almost 1/2 of all marriages end in divorce. Why do you think this has changed so much from way back then? I have oftened wondered this??

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I guess it's not as taboo as it used to be. :o Same goes for everything else. Mohawks, piercings, tattoos, gay preference.


Hell, my preacher's divorced. :confused:

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This is kind of like asking "how long is a piece of string?".


I would say there are many, many reasons:


easier access

less social stigma

higher (perhaps unrealistic?) expectations

greater wealth (women can support themselves)

better access to welfare support / child support

longer life spans

greater mobility

etc. etc.


Personally I think it has a lot to do with peoples expectations of each other & of their relationships.

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Personally, I think it has to do with the fact that couples are not willing to actually work at a marriage anymore. It isn't what they dreamed about as a little girl or it isn't like it is shown in the movies, I must have married the wrong person. Well, let's divorce and try again with someone else. Marriage has dissapointments, ups and downs, joy, sorrow, anger, laughter and more. But if you don't work through the difficult times you are going to fail.

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If two people who are married, decide, without trauma, to end that marriage--is it really so evil? Or, even remarkable?

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People should not choose divorce for the sake of it . It is not at all a solution. It becomes so only when it is obvious that it is the last resort particulary when there are kids involved. It is fun or easy at all for serious prtners who take human relations seriously.

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Isnt it? Face it, we are a "throw away" society anymore. Doesn't work? Toss it out, return it, get a new one... better yet, move out, and the same night, get a piece of A$$ from some chick you barely know.


If people would focus, take time to court the other person BEFORE they marry, learn about their partners more, make good with their vows.... there are just so many angles here that COULD possibly help.


A lot of people in my profession, look at marriage almost as a fantasy come true.


It takes work, just something most lazy people aren't willing to do. Lazy in love.


One thing I hear a lot of "Well, at first we were madly in love, couldn't get enough of eachother, then the butterflies just left after a couple of years". Most people think that's what love is. It's really a shame. Love is life together, building experience, sharing joy and pain. Love is NOT the adolescent mentalscape that is infatuation.



I think once some people get that out of their heads.. that could solve some problems. People just need to realize it's not always going to feel the exact same way, with time, it actually feels better.

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I think once some people get that out of their heads.. that could solve some problems. People just need to realize it's not always going to feel the exact same way, with time, it actually feels better.


it doesn't always feel better. i knew going in that the newness and passion would fade and adjusted to that for a number of years, but eventually it felt toxic and i left. not healthy for anyone, even my therapist agreed! :D


as for why the divorce rate is so high.... i agree with blue chocolate, too many different situations, too many different reasons.

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