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What is she up to

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There is this girl at my work. She follows me around like a puppy, always sits next to me at work, she texts me all the time to see if i am coming into work. She always tells me how miserable she is with her current boyfriend. She told me the other day she was being cheated on, and asked for my advise. I didn't give her any specific advise, I told her it's her decision on what she does, weather she stays with him or not. She texts me to tell me she appreciates me listening to her boyfriend problems, not that i have really done much. Anywhoo a lot of people from work tell me it is so obvious she likes me, and maybe wants to be with me. Call me oblivious but she has a boyfriend. What do you think she is up to?

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She doesn't want to leave him without knowing she can be with you.


Probably a serial jumper. From one guy to the next with no break between.


Also manipulative.


What do you think of her?

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What do you think of her?



She is a nice enough girl, however I tend to feel that if she is willing to get my attention while still being with a boyfriend, she could do the same thing to me if we got together. So maybe it's best i show no interest in her

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She is a nice enough girl, however I tend to feel that if she is willing to get my attention while still being with a boyfriend, she could do the same thing to me if we got together. So maybe it's best i show no interest in her


Ding, Ding, Ding. Nailed it!!!

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She is a nice enough girl, however I tend to feel that if she is willing to get my attention while still being with a boyfriend, she could do the same thing to me if we got together. So maybe it's best i show no interest in her



Its refreshing to read that someone on this board picked up on BIG RED FLAGS early on and is listening to them. You are awesome. She's a loser. Cut contact.

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