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my husband cheated on me before but he said nothing happen between them all he was going to do is kiss her i feel if nothing happen between them way did it take him three month to tell me and the only way i found out we got into a fuss and he told me everything that happen. My thing is that this lady would call my house and leave message for him and one day i answer the phone when she called and she was asked him to come to the house and fix her cable,and he tod her he could come right now and then he went right on talk to her i asked him to get off the phone so when he did i asked him how did she get your number he said he didn't know that she had to get the number from work, and i told i thought they didn't give out employee number and he said they don't . so he sat there and lied to me. So i quess tthat why i have been seeing this other man


Help me

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You give a pretty lame excuse for seeing another man. Now, if you like this other man, if you find him more desireable than your husband, if you want to destroy your marriage, if you want to betray your husband...then those would be more appropriate reasons.


Workplaces give out phone numbers all the time when they aren't supposed to...it's called incompetent telephone receptionists. DUH!!!


If I was your husband, I'd want to be fixing other ladys' cable myself.


And just what kind of help are you asking for. Do you need a ride to this man's house?

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I had a similar thing happen to me , I found out my husband was involved with a women four 6 months behind my back , he also said they only kissed , but he knew I had no proof of anything else because I was always home with my kids, so why not say it was just a kiss if he could get away with ,The only way I found out was when I called out of work unexpected ,the phone rang my daughter answered and said it was the women who calls daddy all the time , (that alone killed me) I get the phone and the women says is jill there , I said huh? didn't you just ask to speak to my husband ? no, she hangs up, I go to my husband and ask him calmly about what the hell was going on he first denied it , and I said I am going down and dial star 69 and find out , and he said ok I know her, its someone I work with , I ask for more and he wouldn't say anything so I went and called her , she wouldn't say anything except ask your husband ,


well I still don't know the whole story and never will , HE destroyed our marriage and my trust , we tried to fix it, but he told me It was something I needed to get over kinda she's mad now but she get glad again , Like it was no big deal, I am now headed for a divorce after another affair he started . Once a cheater always a cheater . I believe people cheat because they are not getting thier needs filled , but when he tells you you have been more then he could ever have asked for in a wife and women , whats the reason for it then ?


As for you getting involved with someone at this point will only complicate the situation , you need to talk about it honestly and find out why it happened and if you love each other you need to learn to be what each other needs .


I spent four years trying to fix my marriage because of the vows I took , but there is a time when enough is enough


we love each other and always will but we are no good togeather .


Your marriage is something to fight for and it takes alot of work from both to keep it togeather and it will never get better if one or both are involved in anyway with someone else.


Good luck !!

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i'm not asked for a ride no where. and at the place where my husband works at they don't give out their employee home number to the customer because if that is the case no one who pay to have their cable fix. He cann't call theirand get any of coworker phone number either so he liar to me don't you think i have been sitting there when he has call work to get a number and they want give it out. So she got the number from him i have a feeling that is did he go to work 8:00 am till what every time he is to get of at 5:30 pm i sometime don't see him until 8:30 9:00, 10:00 11:00 pm you cann't tell me he is out there fix cable that long and if i call his work to give a message at night he never get it so he say or they can't find him or he not answerthe radio. He has alot of time in between jobs so when he has alot time between job he will go to the mall or go into store like walmarts kmarts, so he has tome to do alot of thing. I'm home all day with the kids and i a full time student so i'm here for the kids i talk to practice all week along i take them to their game he is never there he alway say he will be there sometime he is and sometime he don't. He just not there for us when we need him. I need my husband and my friend my lover i don't have it and i miss it,and my kids need their father. He does care about how i feel and does care about my need to him i don't have any need he does see anything wrong with our marriage it is alright to him. what do i do

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i'm not asked for a ride no where. and at the place where my husband works at they don't give out their employee home number to the customer because if that is the case no one who pay to have their cable fix. He cann't call theirand get any of coworker phone number either so he liar to me don't you think i have been sitting there when he has call work to get a number and they want give it out. So she got the number from him i have a feeling that is did he go to work 8:00 am till what every time he is to get of at 5:30 pm i sometime don't see him until 8:30 9:00, 10:00 11:00 pm you cann't tell me he is out there fix cable that long and if i call his work to give a message at night he never get it so he say or they can't find him or he not answerthe radio. He has alot of time in between jobs so when he has alot time between job he will go to the mall or go into store like walmarts kmarts, so he has tome to do alot of thing. I'm home all day with the kids and i a full time student so i'm here for the kids i talk to practice all week along i take them to their game he is never there he alway say he will be there sometime he is and sometime he don't. He just not there for us when we need him. I need my husband and my friend my lover i don't have it and i miss it,and my kids need their father. He does care about how i feel and does care about my need to him i don't have any need he does see anything wrong with our marriage it is alright to him. what do i do
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The trust has been destroyed and you will never quite feel he is telling you the truth again. But you are willing to start seeing someone else, maybe to get back at your husband.


But if you both need other people to fulfill your needs, it is time to re-think the marriage. It is not a good thing for your kids to know that mom and dad are stepping out with other people while they are still married to each other.

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