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Passion Of The Lover

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Passion Of The Lover

I have work to do, but I just can't stop thinking about her. This girl at school who I have known for years. Now, our final year, I am able to see just what I have been missing out on. We don't get a chance to talk much, at most a few minutes a day. In those precious moments, I feel a special connection with her. I would like to have more contact during the day, but our schedules as well as me wanting to avoid appearing infatuated, which I am, prevent this. The problem is, I don't know if she feels the same way. She has many guy friends, so I am just one of many. I don't know if she is in a relationship and there is no way I am going to ask around to find out. This whole thing pains me so much because I know I am not fooling myself. This isn't like the other crushes I have had, this one is based on so much more. Why can't I get the girl for once? Don't all my good qualities outweigh that mystical element girls seem to be attracted to? Can't I afford to take a risk and succeed, my last chance to do so? Maybe ask her out to an upcoming school dance? Any advice or comment is appreciated.

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no risk, no reward my friend...


Right now, you're tearing yourself up because you want to do something, but are scared to possibly end what you may already have. Just ask yourself, what do you really have right now? a few minutes a day to talk to her and alot of emotional agony is probably your answer.


Wouldn't you feel better in the end knowing that at least you tried? What is there to really lose? I mean, if you sit around and do nothing, then nothing is going to happen! If you go for it and it doesn't work out, then it just wasn't meant to be, and you can move on finding the next one and have the satisfaction of knowing that you had to guts and will to act on your feelings.

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I agree, you have to go for it. If you don't you might regret it forever and always wonder what if... Cuz you NEVER know.


The fact you mentioned the soulmate thing, that is always a two way street. I believe you cannot feel that for someone unless they feel it back towards you. It's a 2 way thing! I'm sure she's noticed you and probably may feel shy as well?? I say just go and talk to her. Be confident and be friendly!


Post back and let us know how it goes...

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