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I told her I liked her

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I told my friend I liked her, I was a pussy and told her in text. She said I should have told her earlier and that we can still be friends

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Does she have a boyfriend? If not, it doesn't hurt to be a bit persistent...

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Ok, so you told her via text. Yes, you should've told her in person, but at least you told her! You didn't sit there pining after her for years like other guys do ;)


You got the ball rolling, so let's work on it a little more!


Next time you speak to her in person, tell her you want to take her on a date on Saturday, to say, go [dancing, show, bowling, whatever]. The activity doesn't matter that much, just have a specific plan. Then watch.


If she says yes, then well.. there you go :) it's safe to assume her interest has at least been piked. If she says no, leave it alone. Don't pout, or look sad, just say you understand, and move the conversation to a more lighthearted topic.


Like Appleness said, if she's single there's no harm in persisting, but be careful not to cross the line.

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