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I'm In Need Of Help

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Well guys, its this girl at that I know who I really like, you know , like you imagine you married and having children. Years ago one of these guys went out with her, and I did

not like her at the time. Now my he had me talking with her, to see where their

relationship would go(no where!), now we've become gooooooood friends and her

ex is moving. She's been very nice and attaching lately, that past relationship is old

news, and I really feel as though some times she likes me and sometimes she dosen't.

I've asked her out before and she said, "no, I like you I just don't want to go with you

right now." It hurt but I live to tell it, this was like 4 months ago, we are still friends, but now it feels as though she's trying to tell me she's ready, I'm not sure, what do

you say?(girls am I get a correct vibe or is this the 4 months ago feeling?)

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History may not be on your side, ie being her friend and privy to relationship info with ex. Sounds like you may want her a lot more than she wants you. Time will tell. Could be a hearbreaker though. When people say 'later' they often mean never. Of course, she may not want to ruin a perfectly good friendship. If you can't keep yourself at friendship level---you probably already know what will happen or else you wouldn't be questioning the situation.

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I agree with deb. Usually when a girl says "I just want to be friends" she doesn't have any plans to date you, If you have feelings for her, maybe it's time to just come out and ask her how she feels before you "fall" for her even more and end up with a broken heart.

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