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How do I stop from getting so mad?

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I have been having troubles staying happy. My boyfriend and i are with each other all the time. Every time we are together though I always seem to find something to get mad about, even over really little things that should never have been gotten mad over. I don't know how to stop though. I feel really bad about it too, because my boyfriend is extremely good to me and he does not deserve to be treated the way i treat him.

I want to stay in this relationship. How can I stop from getting so mad? How can i save our relationship from ending?




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Try spending less time together and more time apart doing your own thing. Maybe you're just getting aggravated because all you do is see him all day. Try not seeing one another every day, or going out on the weekends with your girl friends instead. When you do finally see each other, you'll be soo happy to see him, and you won't be spending the time together complaining.

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That could work, I will try telling him that I'm going to do something with some friends and see what his reaction is. Hopefully it helps a bit. I never really even thought of that. Thank you! ~Strawberry~

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Hi Strawberry,


I think babybear is right! I have been where you are...... we were spending so much time together that little things he did just annoyed me so much and the i would snap at him. i would regret it quickly, but at the time, it seemed to be something worth fighting about.


It is important to maintain your own identity and autonomy. It is healthy to have your own friends, interests and hobbies. Then, when you get to see your b/f, it will be a treat, not a task.


Take Care! Confused28

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  • 5 weeks later...

I need advise.... I have a boyfriend and we have been together for two years. We are now studying in the USA. A friend of his who was also my friend but not so much because we lost contact .... well she has been calling him a lot .. she calls him every weekend and she always talks to him and reffers to him for everything for example she says "so whatt are YOU doing tonight" instead of asking what are you and your girlfriend doing? I hate her and can stand her calling him so much I know how she is ,... she is super flirty adn would not mind doing anything bad with my boyfriend ... he says she is just his friend and I undestand that... but I do not like her calling him so much.. then i told a girl that I did not like her because she calls my boyfriend a lt and she went and told her .... after that she called my boyfriend and told him about it.... pretending she was feeling very bad because I did not like her.. I know she is a liar and she is just doing it to hurt me and make me unhappy. I know this because one of her cousins once had a problem with me and since then our relationship also changed so I think she has that purpose in mind I just do not know how to make my boyfriend realize what she is doing.?

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1) stop spending every waking moment together, see each other twice a week

2) tell your b/f to stop treating you "extremely good". And that if he keeps on treating you so well then you will leave him because that is exactly what will happen!

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