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Don't know why but I'm jealous.

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I have a guy I like who has a female friend. They've known each other years and she has a boyfriend. He flirts with me (I've never seen him flirt with her) this week I caught him looking at me and each time he caught me looking he looked away quickly. He does all the body language (feet pointing, clothes smoothing, sitting/standing directly in my line of site etc) stuff and directs it at me but....I'm jealous that he seems to be able to talk to her so easily. We've been chatting for a while now , we both start the convos, sometimes for longer than others, but it seems to be just general stuff. We always meet at a club and we never get chance to talk on our own unless he comes into the place I work to get stuff done. We only ever seem to talk on the way to the car park and she's always there so we never get chance to talk there either! I can't help feeling a bit jealous of her do you think I should be?

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