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4 months later the devastation is growing more painful


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thanks to you all. I am trying to keep in mind that i was treated unfairly in the end. But i can't help but ask myself why I wasn't the one who was more proactive in making sure things were OK.


All the memories i have of her catering to my needs haunt me so much. I did cater to hers as well, but I am much more of a "tough to live with" type i guess. I like to have a clean home, I like to wipe the dogs paws when he comes into the house, I also am vegetarian and she cooked to my needs as well.


I should have been more vocal that i was working for US. not just for myself. But I dont know how im supposed to tell her im saving up for our engagement, wedding, and honeymoon since all that is supposed to be a surprise.


Of course i tell her now and she says shes sick of hearing about the things i was "going to do".


it hurts so bad. I can't express how much this girl adored me and how much i loved her and she is just the coldest person in the world to me now. And the fact that i "overreacted" when i found out about the other guy is why she refuses to engage with me. she claims that they didn't get physical until we had broken up and therefore its not cheating. To me, if the intent was there its just as bad. I think id feel so much different if she was able to just be single for awhile and grieve a bit herself. but shes just so happy and it hurts me so deep.


i just hope i can get through this and find someone who will love me again.

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