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why don't guys like me?


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Ok, here's my story. I am a pretty picky girl but I figure I should be so I won't get hurt. Anyway, I am definetly pretty, fun to be around, smart, athletic, and just a good all around person. Thing is, I get my feelings hurt too easily by guys. It seems like no guys ever like me and then I end up being heart-broken because no one likes me. It mainly hurts because I don't just go for anyone, I don't like a guy until I think he kinda likes me or shows some interest. Then I end up getting hurt!! I think I'm playing the game wrong or something. I know a lot of guys my age don't want anything serious, they just want to drink beer and hang with their buddies (by the way, I'm 20 and in college). That's fine, I just want someone decent to show interest in me, not some psycho. Most guys I know just want a physical relationship. I don't think I'll ever find someone who wants what I want. I meet lots of guys so that's not the problem. I just mainly want to know how to not get hurt so easily and/or anything I can do to make guys realize what they are missing out on!!

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"I just mainly want to know how to not get hurt so easily and/or anything I can do to make guys realize what they are missing out on!!"


That's a pretty original request.


First of all, you have a pretty negative attitude. Change your attitude and outlook towards men and life and you will start attracting better fare.


You say you are picky...but you pick the guys that are going to hurt you. That's not being so picky in my book. Love is a risk and you take that a risk everytime you invest you emotions in another human being. Sometimes that risk pays off big, often it doesn't. You just have to know that's the way it is...and always will be.


Your problem is you just haven't met the right guy yet. You describe yourself upfront as a pretty desirable lady so obviously you have no problem attracting the guys. Just pay a bit better attention to what they say and how they act toward you in the beginning and don't be shy about rejecting them if they show their butts. Once you stop putting up with the losers, you'll attract winners, guaranteed.


I have a feeling there are other details you have left out of this post. If you are too nice too soon to these guys, you need to be more of a challenge. If you're having sex with them too soon, go more slowly.


Even if you are doing things all wrong, one day you will find a guy who will love a girl just like you. Be patient. And you are quite right...guys in your age range in college tend to be party people for the most part, but there are exceptions.


Maybe you ought to look for some guys off campus, some that have been graduated a few years, are more settled, and will appreciate you more.


Good luck!!!

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It seems to me you are looking for guys to valadate who you are and are trying to hard . Just be yourself have fun ,make friends and one day you will find the right guy , its something you can't force so relax and let it happen.

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