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Match.com and blocking

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I swear after this last experience that I will vow to stay off online dating for good. Met this guy that seemed super nice to begin with but turned into a string of emotional issues. I couldn't handle his issues or just the general drama of it all anymore and called it quits.

We both have a match.com profile, he apparently blocked me from viewing his profile. I wouldn't care rather found it sort of laughable until I realized what it all entailed. Apparently you have to send match an e-mail of concern to have that type of blocking done...not just a push of a button. Seriously?

Never once looked at his profile besides seeing in search engine or contacted him since the break...although he has tried to hang out with me, text, and called me since. My friend chalked it up to slander and just advised to watch if he says anything odd to mutual friends.

Not trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill since we are done but it all hurts a bit anyways. I do care for him...he just wasn't a fit for me. For those that have blocked on match is what I said above accurate? And why in the world go to that extent if someone isn't even trying to contact you. He could have just blocked me from his own searches w/out going that far.

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Chalk it up to good old-fashion immaturity.


I'm not familiar with match.com so much. I used eharmony myself for a bit. I heard there were pros and cons with both and quite frankly, I just don't have enough time to keep up with 2 profiles. Have one already feels like a lot of work. I can say this about blocking though. I recently accidentally blocked someone. Supposedly they couldn't see that I blocked them but I have to call in that "unblock" them and the rep said that they keep time stamps and IP addresses of "interactions" to make sure that the user is doing the blocking and that it's not a hacker. If match.com has the same tactics, then regardless of what this guy says, they can really see if you haven't been looking on his profile.


Just my two-cents of logic. Not sure if that helped you at all. Unless match.com is banning you, I wouldn't get too worked up over it.

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