tiki Posted October 20, 2004 Share Posted October 20, 2004 You guys are probably going to think I'm out of my mind, but I can hear my heartbeat up by my ear. It feels like it's pounding in my head! I took some OTC allergy medication last night for my congestion and I think it interacted with my heart condition. I'm supposed to be on medication for my heart but discontinued it a couple of months ago because I thought it was contributing to my sleep walking and need to sleep so much. I weaned myself off and went through stages of palpations, murmurs and crap, then I was fine after about a week. I'm doing great without my medication. I'm to embarrased to call my cardiologist because she'll ream me out for stopping the medication. But I took this med last night and my heart still won't quit POUNDING. UGHHGHGHGHHGHGH! I have listened to my heartbeat all day and last night, I can literally feel it in my head. Does anyone else's do this? God, I feel stupid. Link to post Share on other sites
bluetuesday Posted October 20, 2004 Share Posted October 20, 2004 tiki - you're not stupid. you're lovely. i sometimes get this in my left ear. it could be the meds or it could be a sign of high blood pressure, you suffer from that? i don't, so my doctor thought in my case it might be idiopathic intracranial hypertension, which is basically when the pressure builds in the cerebral fluid in your head. hearing your own heartbeat or getting a whooshing sound in your ears in rhythm with your heartbeat is one of the symptoms. intracranial hypertension is treatable through medication, but left untreated can cause eye problems (particularly if the pressure builds up behind your optic nerve) and it's annoying to live with. so sweetheart, you do need to get yourself checked out. whatever it is can be controlled, treated and alleviated. and getting a bollocking now for coming off one load of medication is nothing to how relieved you'll feel when this turns out to be nothing. take care of yourself, girl. you've got enough with the wedding and the cervical thing, get this one out of the way fast. Link to post Share on other sites
Artifact Posted October 20, 2004 Share Posted October 20, 2004 If I've just finished running (i.e. overexherting myself) I can hear my heart like it's located in my skull. Otherwise, No. I know you are expecting (and not wanting) to hear this, but probably should call the doc. It may be something that wears off... but HEY! It's your HEART! Go ahead and call. Link to post Share on other sites
blind_otter Posted October 20, 2004 Share Posted October 20, 2004 i have a heart murmur (was born with it) and haven't ever been able to take OTC decongestants. I am staying on my meds, however....my cardiologist told me to, even though I'm preggo now. I cannot stand having palpitations they make me nauseous. oh btw, my mom got me a nasal inhaler so i didn't have to be congested all the time and also didn't have to take anything systemic (ie pills). but those require a script - maybe something to look into Link to post Share on other sites
Beth Posted October 20, 2004 Share Posted October 20, 2004 Originally posted by tikibrandy I'm supposed to be on medication for my heart but discontinued it a couple of months ago because I thought it was contributing to my sleep walking and need to sleep so much. I weaned myself off and went through stages of palpations, murmurs and crap, then I was fine after about a week. I'm doing great without my medication. Call your cardiologist. Many OTC allergy/antihistamines are not recommended for people with blood pressure or heart problems. Link to post Share on other sites
Author tiki Posted October 20, 2004 Author Share Posted October 20, 2004 Thanks you guys. I have LOW blood pressure AND vaso depressor syncope (I pass out when my heart rate rises really high). I feel fine, just congested, but yeah, it's that swooshing sound. I can't take OTC sinus meds but the pharmacy told me I could take this allergy stuff. I guess I need to call the doctor. I hope they don't get pissed because I got off this medication after all these years. I wonder if I should even tell them? I feel non-compliant. Thanks you guys so much for the help, I wasn't sure what to do. Link to post Share on other sites
Author tiki Posted October 20, 2004 Author Share Posted October 20, 2004 They said for me to call my ENT. She said it could be a sinus or ear infection. That makes sense. I'm congested and had ear surgery recently on that ear. I think I'll call for antibiotics. Gosh, I was just there a few days ago. Thanks guys. Link to post Share on other sites
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