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If you believe... We need your prayers


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Hi everyone... I'm sorry if I am posting this in the wrong place. It has to do with my girlfriend. I've been in a long distance relationship with her for over a year now and I have come to you guys for help with our sex lives. I plan on marrying this girl...


A few nights ago my girlfriend was raped at a party... The guy wore a condom... but I need you to please pray that she will be ok and that she doesnt become pregnant. Neither of us believe in abortion... so thats not an option... Please give us your prayers.


She is doing pretty well... but I'm still terribly worried about her, and because of classes I wont get to see her untill Oct 29... What I'm feeling right now downight scares me... I want to hurt the guy so bad... Please pray for us... This specific part of the board has helped me quite a bit in the past... and we need help now... Please pray... and please let me know if you are... It helps to know we have support.

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May God give you both strength to deal with this. I've certainly said a prayer for you and will keep you in mind.

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My prayers will be lifted up for you.


I pray that this woman will gain knowledge of what to avoid, and how to stay alert when she's present at these parties.


I pray, pregnant or not, that this woman will be a part of fullfilling Your will.


I pray for this man who posted this thread. That you will turn his hatred into love for his enemy and offer prayers up to you for the healing of the intruder.


Lastley Lord, I pray for the trespasser, that knowledge of You and Your grace will fall upon him and show him the error of his ways and ultimatley find Your forgiveness.


In all these things, I know that Your will, will be done.


In Jesus' matchless name.

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you're also in my prayers, that God grants you the wisdom and the strenght to deal with this situation, and that your concern and love for your girl be a healing balm ....


have you or are you encouraging her to get counselling to help her through this?

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I thank you all for your input. Your prayers are truely beautiful and they warm our hearts. I get to see her in a little more than a week and that should help us a lot. We have been doing a lot of talking about it and together we are managing to overcome a lot of issues. She is gaining strength through our talks and so am I. I still have images of the guy hurting her in my mind from time to time... and I dont expect them to go away anytime soon... I can only imagine what she has stuck in her mind. I still feel monstous amounts of anger towards the guy... but the hatred in my heart has lowered.


I thank you all for your prayers... they are truely helping... I think with time we will get passed it... and through it we will find strength... I truely think we can get through anything with each other... Thank you

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I will pray for you and your girlfriend. I hope it will all turn out ok...your girlfriend is really going to need your support now.


Also have you reported this guy to the police? That would be the best course of action instead of trying to take your anger out on him. Of course your girlfriend would have to decide if she wants to go through all of that...this probably wasn't the first time and if it was it won't be the last this rapist has done this. What ever you and your girlfriend feel you can do...it's 100% up to you.



Good Luck!

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your frist priority rite now is to be by her 24/7 ur second is to report this f*****r to tha police strait away that way it mite not take bak what happenend to ur girlfriend but it will defintly stop sum other poor girl from going thorough what u both are going through.u feel like revenge tha only way ur gunna get satisfaction is by seeing his dirty a** in jail..other than that my thoughts are with u both

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I'm so sorry about what happened to your girlfriend:(. All you can do is be there for her because she really needs that right now, and you two will definitely be in my prayers:(.

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