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FWB + LDR + Feelings = I'm just unsure!

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There is this guy that I was with over a year ago. We were FWB's. Okay, at the time I knew he had a girlfriend. He told me. The twist is, she lives in another state. So I have never seen this girl. Barely knows that she exists, beyond his word. I don't even have a clue what she looks like. According to him they have been together for 8 years.


We had stopped talking a year ago because he started acting funny. Funny as in, being selfish. It seemed like he was getting distant from our friendship and treating me more like a "side chick". Therefore, I called it quits. Now a year later we've made up. We haven't gotten sexually involved. Even though the other night when we were hanging out it got really intense. There is no denying that we want each other.


He admitted that part of the reason he started acting different before was because he was confused in his feelings for me. Now he's telling me that he has feelings for me. I don't know what to say. A part of me is saying to run away from this and the other part is saying to just enjoy what we have. We really do have a great relationship. We're open with each other and talk about everything. But with him catching feelings, I'm afraid I am going to eventually start falling for him too. And I know that this is a dead end relationship. He isn't going to give up 8 years for me and i'm not going to settle for a cheater.


Stay? Go? I don't know. :(

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I have no constructive advice for you. However, I am interested to hear what others say about men in LDR's who cheat (be it in person, or via online or text). Is it because it is easy to cheat due to being so far away from their partners? Why 8 years, why have they not made firm arrangements to move in together if they are so committed to one another?


Sorry I have more questions than advice.

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