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I figured I would throw this out there in case anyone has any experience that they would be kind enough to share...


About 4-6 times a year I get horrible migraines..I mean, drop to your knees, nauseous feeling, short of breath type of stuff. Its horrible and I had one of the worst ones ever yesterday...


They usually happen in the heat of the summer and we have been mired in a bit of a heatwave here with temps in the 90's and very humid conditions with heat indices going past 100..Since it only happens infrequently, I dont really worry about it too much, but I wish there was a way to deal with it when it happens so its not so unbearable...Yesterdays event started off rather mild, but I did a stupid thing by trying not to miss my workout...The minute I started going at it, the thing exploded...Blurry vision, intense pain, etc..I cut it short and left...Took some otc meds and slept it off..Im better today, but feeling some minor after effects..


This has been going on since I was a little kid and ive been checked and everything is normal..Like stated, I can live with it becasue its so infrequent, but I sure would like to minimize the effects when it happens the next time..


So, if anyone can share their experience of what they do or how they cope Id love to hear it..I am not much about medicating it. but if there was a homeopathic remedy or some other food or drink that helped that would be great..


Thanks in advance...



Edited by thefooloftheyear
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I never really understood the no drugs concept, ESPECIALLY about migraines. There are some fabulous "use only as needed" drugs that make living with migraines doable. I will share what I have learned, I am not a doctor, I only play one on LS.


Some of the basic stuff is caffeine. Caffeine helps. Couple cups of coffee or a coke is first line of defense if one starts.


So migraines can be caused by different things and the treatments are also different. It sounds like you get them based on barometric pressure systems and possibly dehydration?


So unfortunately, the weather is not a controllable item other than moving to Arizona. But you might want to ensure you are drinking enough water especially when it's hot and humid. I also learned that when you are in the middle of a migraine, if you don't keep fluids down you get a worse, migraine hangover.


The nausea you mentioned is treated sometimes with a type of antihistamine, don't know why it works, and I don't know if a holistic treatment is equivalent. Maybe that's why some holistic treatments are peppermint?


I avoid strobes, smelly perfume (candle stores and makeup counters). Extremes of anything.


Computer and televisions can trigger too.


Some people are triggered by wine, preservatives, (I have not noticed that for me.)


Monthly hormonal triggers for women, including during peri-menopause can be both triggered and mitigated by birth control pills. Go figure


We swear by ice packs, we have a funny headband type ice pack that is awesome. Ice on the the back of the neck.


Obviously dark, and quiet. Earplugs.


We actually bought Bose noise canceling headphones to help my daughter when she loved in the city and couldn't create a quiet environment.


I personally swear by drugs, and avoidance of triggers.

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Thank you for responding


I dont tolerate ANY medicine..I dont really know why..Ill get a side effect from anything, so I just dont bother..


I dont drink coffee, ever...But it is quite ironic that you say caffeine helps..One time I was suffering I ate a chocolate candy bar and got some relief..Perhaps it was the caffiene in ths chocolate?? Again, I never eat chocolate as I never crave it..I just happened upon that by chance..I should have tried that yesterday, but I was in so much pain I couldnt even think straight..It was horrible..


Someone my mother knows has them bad and actually administers herself an injection of some drug when she feels it coming on...hmmm


Thank God, they really arent that frequent so I am not going to go nuts over this, but Holy Cow..I was in absolute misery yesterday...It was bad,,


Thanks again...;)



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I was getting migraines on a regular basis, following my hormone cycle. I haven't had a bad one in over a year now. The number one thing I changed was the amt of water I consume--esp in the evening. I can no longer sleep in, because I have to get up and pee early in the morning now, but I don't get migraines any more.

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I was getting migraines on a regular basis, following my hormone cycle. I haven't had a bad one in over a year now. The number one thing I changed was the amt of water I consume--esp in the evening. I can no longer sleep in, because I have to get up and pee early in the morning now, but I don't get migraines any more.


I discovered the water thing by accident, no doctor has ever said a word, but once after a week of migraines in which nothing worked, I had been sleeping trying to sleep it off so not drinking or eating anything. I went to the ER and they gave me IV fluids while they monitored me. From then on I try to drink lots of water and it helps.

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I doubt its dehydration for me..I drink a lot of fluids every day, mostly skim milk and water...


Ive narrowed it down to two causes..each one seasonal


-In the summer, when its really hot and humid I will overheat and aggravate something..Maybe my blood pressure spikes? I am in great shape, btw, so its not because I am too heavy to deal with the heat..


-In the winter, when my sinuses get blocked from a common cold or just the dryness in the house, Ill get one..


People live with terrible pain on a daily basis so I really cant complain about something that happens so infrequently, its just that when it does its soo miserable its not something you can ignore..I think I am going to keep some chocolate in the fridge at work..But then my office mgr will probably snatch it, she is a chocolate nut..


Thanks for all your replies...Very informative and helpful..



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try magnesium oil. People who have migraines are low in magnesium. use the oil not the pills.

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I was told that the heat triggers certain types of migraines. Mine are not triggered by heat but stress and allergies. I wish I had something to offer.

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You need to go see a doctor.


"No medications" is just as crazy as "medications for everything."


Medications do work and are beneficial. Life is about balance.


Thanks for the advice


But ive made it to almost 49 without ever really taking a prescription med in my life. Never once took an anti-biotic. Or a pain pill. I never get sick, other than a common cold maybe once every other year. I weigh 204, yet have virtually no fat, a 140 cholesterol count, can bench press 395 and squat 500, run 5 miles several times a week and have a physique most 25 year olds would kill for..


I recently had a full cardio and stress test and passed with flying colors..


Tore my rotator cuff last October and was told I NEEDED to surgically repair it or I would not be able to use my arm..I couldnt do a single pushup or bench press an unloaded bar. It tool 9 months but I regained full strength and full range of motion. This despite being mocked by the surgeon when I asked if I can rehab it instead of surgery..he said, at the time, that what I wanted to do "was physically impossible"


Now you know why I am skeptical...I dont discredit the medical professionals, but people are different..


5 or 6 migraines a year..eh..i can deal-just wanted to see if there was a better way to cope. Thats all..



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The moment I feel one coming on, I pop some Excedrine Migraine, drink a couple large glasses of cold water, drink a small cup of coffee (unless I've already had a bunch of caffeine), and close my eyes/nap for a couple of hours in a cold, dark, quiet room. Sometimes this helps, but not always. Sometimes I've just got to ride them out.


Migraines are triggered by all sorts of things, but I've noticed that one surefire recipe is: lack sleep + stress + too much caffeine + dehydration

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I figured I would throw this out there in case anyone has any experience that they would be kind enough to share...


About 4-6 times a year I get horrible migraines..I mean, drop to your knees, nauseous feeling, short of breath type of stuff. Its horrible and I had one of the worst ones ever yesterday...


God, yes - I can totally relate and sympathise. When people describe a simple headache as a migraine I think "you have no idea". That said, if you are migraine prone, then just a normal headache brings a sense of dread that it might develop into something worse. I always thought headaches were a natural accompaniment to throwing up (ie "you know when you're about to be sick because you get an intense headache just before it"), and it was only about 5 years ago, when I went to see the doctor, that I discovered these were actually migraines and that it was the headache itself which needed treated rather than any stomach bug, food poisoning or all the other things I speculated were causes of me throwing up.


When I get a headache I'll take a paracetamol. If it keeps getting worse I'll take a Migraleve. It only really gets me when I'm so focused on something that I'm blocking out the fact that a headache is developing - then suddenly it'll be too late for anything to stop the migraine from setting in. My triggers - stress and conflict (my most recent migraine followed some pretty horrible family conflict that's been going on). A bit of conflict and drama is inevitable, but people who must constantly have it in their lives are not good people to have around if you're migraine prone. Several hours in a darkened room with a bowl of water next to you tends to bring that home to you.


End of period (hormonal factors contribute quite heavily to migraines). Alcohol, I have to be fairly carefuly with - though as long as other factors like stress and wrong time of the month aren't involved, I'll usually be okay. Food wise, I have to take care. If I've eaten something with very strong cheese then I'd better stay away from orange juice - because oranges, healthy as they are generally, can be a very strong migraine trigger). Very hot weather, and also very close weather. Vigorous bouts of exercise can also bring it on. Make sure you're rehydrating (though I've found with migraines that however much you rehydrate - if the migraine has decided it's going to happen, it will happen.


Natural remedies...I love chai green tea. It has lots of natural anti-migraine ingredients in it. The spices in it (ginger, cinnamon, cardamom) are all good for reducing nausea and inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis (prostaglandins inflame the blood vessels in the brain, leading to that feeling whereby you wish you could drill a hole in your own skull and let all the pressure come steaming out). Oatmeal is also good for inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. I don't know if sunshine encourages prostaglandin synthesis, but I'm assuming that it does - and that this is why it can sometimes lead to migraine development. Caffeine is a baddie, much as I love it, but if a migraine is starting to develop it can actually be quite helpful in terms of helping you to absorb medication faster. Why is why, apparently paradoxically, it's often an ingredient in that medication.


Essentially, you need to be aware of all the factors that can encourage prostaglandin synthesis - and when there are a lot of them around, minimise the things you do that would encourage more of it.

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