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Proud of myself

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I just want to share a quick update with you guys, so this morning I woke up feeling really terrible and came really close to falling off the wagon.


I haven't done any hardcore drugs in over two years now, I still drink and tend to overdo it with my prescription pills but no "actual" drugs. So anyway, today I was this close to calling this dealer I know,I just wanted something to make me happy and I remembered how good it felt and I had this really strong craving,but I didn't.


Instead,I got on LS and reread some of the posts that made me feel good then I called my sponsor. I'm feeling very proud of myself at the moment and I hope I find the will to continue fighting temptation.

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Get busy!! Find an activity to occupy yourself. Boredom can be a BIG trigger. Hopefully it's nice in your city. Find a friend and DO SOMETHING! Your going through a lot right now! I'm proud of you for resisting. Remember if you can get through that initial urge the craving will pass.


Sometimes it's moment by moment, you got through it. Get to a meeting at the very least but really any activity is good. Ps leave the phone at home. :)

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I just want to remind you that prescription drugs are "actual" drugs as well and many of them can be just as dangerous as street drugs, especially when combined with alcohol.


I understand that and I am trying to work on it it's just really hard and I feel like this is really good progress because at least I'm not doing anything illegal,and no matter how bad they are they can't be worse than cocaine,right?

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Keep it up Kareena, you are doing so well. try rewarding yourself for every week you get through it. Journal, write on LS anything but go down a destructive path. I hope life continues to get brighter.

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