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What are some things to do to cheer up my g/f?

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My girlfriend has been sad since after homecomming, because she doesnt think i love her anymore. Not to sound cocky or anything, but alot of girls find it amusing to flirt with me. I dont think i flirt back, but my girlfriend thinks i do. When her friends tell me that i was talking to other girls and stuff like that, she gets angry!



I would do anything for this girl, we can talk about anything and she doesnt understand. Her parents are very mean to her, and shes always distraught about it. I dont know what to do to cheer her up, or make her forget about it. I try to take her out on dates and stuff, but with football everyday its hard to find a good day for it, because she works on saturdays. Sundays are my rest day ;) [ that may sound selfish, but i only sleep 4 hours a day excluding Sunday]



If there's anything you can think of to cheer up my girlfriend or things i can do to be a better boyfriend please tell me, because id love to fix this[font=courier new][/font][color=darkblue][/color]

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Do either or both of you own vehicles that you can but plates on of each others names? Tshirts with each others names? May sound hokey, but if you are willing to do it, it shows the world you are definitely together. Send her flowers to school. Anything sweet like that done publicly would work for me. Hope this helps. Good luck...

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How do you be a good boyfriend? You be there for her when she needs you....you love her with all your heart and make yourself trustworthy so that she would never think you were flirting because it's obvious you simply love her too much to do something like that.....do little things for her to show you care....hold her hand....tell her she's beautiful....let it be obvious to everyone around you that you are nuts about this girl.....make her laugh, try to help her with her problems or simply just be available to listen to them.....if you can do that she'll love you forever.

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You should buy her some flowers and maybe some chocolate. If you give her something too nice (and sappy) , she'll think you're being desparate. With the flirting thing, just maybe talk to the girls but don't spend an hour talking just a few minutes and then say goodbye. You should listen to everything she tells you and give ggood advice. be there for her when she needs you most.

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What you can do is send her a nice card in the mail with love coupons inside. These coupons are not sexual coupons they are coupons to cheer her up. One coupon can be redeem this coupon for a night of walking on the beach with me, another can be a night on the couch with my favorite movie, I will supply the popcorn, another could be I will do want every you want for a day, and another could be a foot massage for one hour. Also you can plan a-get-away trip for the weekend (just the two of you) and have stimulating conversations. You have to be creative.

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