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So My Neighbor

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I recently just moved from a small town to a big city, I know pretty much no one. Going to school, and live in student housing. The building next to us has eight guys that we go to school with. One apartment has a group that I refer to as "The Nerdy Nerds" and have given them each a nickname since orientation. I hardly knew them the first week, in fact the only way I knew them was from the "get to know everyone pool party" thing. Where my roomie and I talked to everyone one, except for two people, one being the guy I am writing this about (Sturdy Nerd). So Monday at school I had my uniform (chef uniform) on, and decided to change to street clothes for my next class. I noticed him looking at me when I was passing by, and again after I changed, but he could have just been looking past me. Of course being me I ignored it, and left when a female went up to him.


Wednesday like always I was roaming around, and I ran into one of the nerds (Emo/Rocker Nerd). He asked what I was doing, since I was doing nothing I got invited to his place to watch scaring movies, with some girls and his roommates. The Nerdy Nerds were accommodating, one even gave me food (Vampire Nerd), he was the one the girls were there for. So I talked to them, and sat down, they fed me, and a movie got put in (Blair Witch Project, so lame). After sometime Emo/Rocker Nerd left me there. and the girls ruined the ending to every freaking movie. Then they left, so the nerds and I got to talking, and they found out my weakness. I make odd noises when poked, which they enjoyed, because it's close to having sex. Emo/Rocker came back and all of use went outside with him to smoke, because he wanted someone out there with him, and I was the only one to do it first. Then they stole my keys. I got my roomie to come over we played hide and go seek, she got bored and left. We played video games, Vampire Nerd kept biting me, this continued till morning. Like around 7 because the Sturdy Nerd had school at 8 and didn't go to sleep till 12, and woke up around 5 when I came by again for my charger. We all talked and I stole Sturdy Nerds blanket.


They came over, and eventually I gave the blanket back. After falling asleep in Sturdy Nerds bed, he brought me back to my place, where everyone else was at. We stood on the steps for a while, and he almost kissed me, but some stupid truck interfered with is lights shining on us like a creep. So he was about to leave and I grabbed his hand, and pulled him back. Then we kissed, and I left after it started getting sexual. Saturday Sturdy Nerd invted me over, and we had sex...Yeah I know, but I do that. After he asked me to leave, and my roomies wanted to hang out with everyone, so I was forced back over to ask him to come over... At the pool he was close to me, never further then one person away, and even tried to let me win. So did Vampire Nerd...


I don't intentionally flirt, and I think they all figured that out, that I am just being nice, and myself to the 7 guys that we hang out with.


I do not know why he is still around, back home after having sex with a guy and they have you leave you don't have to be around them, and they wont get close to you. He even still mirrors me, flirts, and acts the same which is off putting. I just do not get it. Plus now I am highly uncomfortable around him, like way more shy.


Also I think I hurt Vampire Nerds feelings, he had wanted to kiss me, and I told him I didn't want to kiss any of them, when he said I would probably kiss Sturdy Nerd. I didn't mean to, well I did, but I honestly wasn't going to. I was going to put them in the friend zone, like the other 5 guys I hang out with. So now I feel like he is avoiding me, because of that. Also I keep doing the most jacked up thing and I don't know why. I keep calling Vampire Nerd by Sturdy Nerds name....I feel like the worst person ever.

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