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Women are responsible for male insecurity about height

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Message to women:


You would be insecure if women kept rejecting you because of their desire for male that fit the traditional gender role. The insecurity in short men is women's fault. Short women are not insecure because men treat them well. The same can't be said for how women treat short men.

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When you go on a diet, you don't ask a big person how to lose weight. You ask someone who's lost weight - how to lose weight.


So find a short guy, with a taller wife, and ask him how he managed to get over the dreadful insecurity his wife obviously caused.

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Thats ridiculous.....Its all on you..The little man syndrome on this site is absolutely EPIC! (BTW;;I am 5'7" and completely happy with my height.)



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Thats ridiculous.....Its all on you..The little man syndrome on this site is absolutely EPIC! (BTW;;I am 5'7" and completely happy with my height.)




But you are also aesthetic as well.


However OP, if you are going to use that logic, you might as well say that men are responsible for female insecurity over body image. Too fat, too skinny, not curvy enough, not big enough boobs, etc. You are so myopic when it comes to this that you could not see the other side of the coin. I'm not saying shorter guys have it easier but you have to be sensible here.

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But you are also aesthetic as well.


However OP, if you are going to use that logic, you might as well say that men are responsible for female insecurity over body image. Too fat, too skinny, not curvy enough, not big enough boobs, etc. You are so myopic when it comes to this that you could not see the other side of the coin. I'm not saying shorter guys have it easier but you have to be sensible here.


But my point was that women always say about short guys, "It's not their height that's the problem, it's their insecurity about it." Or something similar about how it's fine as long as he's confident.


Well, why are short guys insecure or unconfident? It's not because other guys look down on their height. I've never felt like being 5'7" has ever affected whether other guys think I'm cool or anything about their perception of me. It's women who've made me insecure about by height -- so now they shouldn't be blaming me for being insecure.

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Cracker Jack

Yeah, but that's on you for allowing an outsider's opinion to have that much of an effect on you. I've known women who've been harassed and made fun of because of how small their breasts and/or ass were, but that never stopped them from defeating their insecurities and finding happiness. Sure, it created some doubt--even made them insecure to get dolled up and go out, since they were worried about getting negative attention from guys. Eventually they were able to realize that their breasts and ass didn't define them, and now those women are in loving relationships.


We're all human, so a shorter man feeling a doubt from within in regards to his height is not in any way abnormal. I've been there and certainly know how it feels. Once you start placing ALL of the blame on women, though--that points to a bigger problem. Don't allow someone's opinion to have that much power over you. Seriously.

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