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Can I have some input on her intentions


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This may be a long read but here it goes.


We are both students at a major university and we met through a mutual friend and we later found out we had a couple lectures together. This girl is someone who I would say is my type and I would be somewhat hard pressed to find another girl like her. After some time of going on non dates as friends I asked her out as I thought she was into me. Turns out she has some weird relationship with her BF from high school that she never really moved on from and never told me about. They aren't actually dating at this point and he refuses to make it official, he would much rather string her along and have the occasional hook up he tricks her into. When she said she couldn't go out she never really said no she just said she couldn't because she is in that long distance relationship but never explained it. At that point I was like fine, whatever, she's a nice girl and I'll try to be her friend.


I get her to join an after school activity that I am heavily involved in and we spent a lot of time together. I was the only person she knew in the club and I spent a lot of time talking to her. The whole time this was going on she actually started to think I was creeping on her and the mutual friend told me about it. So I spent less time talking to her and after about a week of giving her some space she came back to talk to me. I don't think I creeped her out too bad really and she just wanted some space.


Now that about 4 months have passed since I first asked her out we are close and she has started to treat me differently. Although we are about 100 miles apart I feel like we are really close. We have pet names for each other, we flirt, she sends me emoticons in all her texts, she responds quickly, she sends me self pics (not dirty ones), towards the end of the semester she had no problem with me touching her either, and she just generally acting interested in me. She doesn't do this to other guys we know and other people who don't know us actually do think we are dating. If it weren't for he situation with her ex I'd say she wants me to make a move.


With all of that general flirting she has invited herself over for the weekend. She wants me to provide beer and she keeps telling me how cute she's going to look, how she can't wait, and how "we'll have some fun :)". She also planned this out over a month in advance, I'd actually like to see her before then but neither of us will have transportation until then. Now she says she is coming over for me to show her how her car works and for me to help her out with some stuff relating to the club and her computer. She has been really vague and it really seems like she's just using these as excuses to see me. She always ends up talking about how she wants to see me or how great the weekend is going to be.


All the while she has been so nice to me she has not moved on from her ex. She only talks about her ex to me if I bring him up. I can see on her facebook they go on pseudo dates where its her, her ex, and 3 other close friends from high school. She never actually posts this stuff, its just things she's tagged in. She knows I like her and she knows I don't want to hear about her dates. The few times we have talked about him she has frankly been rather negative about him but then finishes with she just isn't ready to call it quits. That said she never says these things to anyone else and is always super upbeat about it when its not just me and her. He was/is her first and only BF and I understand girls get hung up on that but it is still so weird to me.


So now with all that said it sounds like she likes me but is hung up on her ex. I don't think I'm just a friend but I've been wrong before... The fact that she seems to have gotten so interested really makes it hard for me to just move on because this girl is frankly the kind of girl I could see myself marrying one day.


My plan is to take her out and act like gentleman when she is here, do the whole opening doors, paying for food, and that whole deal. Then when we do eventually drink and we're alone I figure she is going to be as honest about her feelings as ever. I'm not going to pressure her in anyway but I really do think that if she's going to open up to me about this that would be the time. If by the end of the weekend she hasn't said anything and nothing has happened between us I'll assume I misread the situation and just tell her how I feel as it won't do any harm at that point and I can finally move on.


Please share your thoughts and thanks for reading.

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