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attraction toward me?

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i have a female friend....which whom im crazy about....well......she just considers me her best friend.....i mean...shes 2 years younger than me....shes still in school....sees me rarely.....but still considers me her best friend....shes said on a few occasion that shes thought we should go out but then she'll have a crush on another guy and she wont mention it anymore....but then she'll end the crush with that guy and say to me again how she thinks we should go out....and then another guy comes.....its repeated....but she considers me her best friend and is always wantin to do stuff with me......like movies and ice skatin and stuff liek that.....ive told her my feelings before and she just tells me thats really sweet.....i dont understand her....she knows how i feel abotu her and shes even said how we should go out...but it never happens....i mean...she broke up with her boyfreidn of 2 years because she missed doin stuff with me and he wouldnt allow her to be near me....we have the best time when were together....were always makin eachother laugh and playin around....do you think she has some attraction toward me just shes not telling me?? or what??

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Honestly, it sounds like she likes the idea that you like her so much.. and she likes you being her back~up plan.


If she thought it was a great idea for the two of you to date... IMHO that would already be happening.



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