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When all else fails, do deadlifts.


Who here does them? I love 'em. Everything about them. I've found that when I focus on getting tension in my glutes in the bottom position, I get the full posterior chain benefits without the back pain.


And then there's the difference in athletic performance.. I'll feel like I'm three times the man I was before if I have a few successful deadlift sessions under my belt. Maybe it's the added confidence though (don't know why, but deadlifts make me incredibly focused as well).


So what about you? Do you deadlift?

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I used to do straight deads but due to some issues with my back .... I have switched to hexbar deadlifts. Love the results they produce. I use a platform to elevate myself high enough to get my thighs level on the down - making these a combo deadlift/squat.... so I get both back and legs in one.


working on a 3x8 or 5x5 setup.

Edited by dichotomy
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I used to do straight deads but due to some issues with my back .... I have switched to hexbar deadlifts. Love the results they produce.


There is a tendency for people to make sweeping statements such as "you have to squat to be strong" or "you have to deadlift to be strong". While barbell squats and deadlifts are great movements, if the movement isn't producing the desired results (or if it's causing injury), then why do it?


Good job on recognizing how to make an adjustment that benefits your training.

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There is a tendency for people to make sweeping statements such as "you have to squat to be strong" or "you have to deadlift to be strong". While barbell squats and deadlifts are great movements, if the movement isn't producing the desired results (or if it's causing injury), then why do it?


Good job on recognizing how to make an adjustment that benefits your training.


Deadlifts are more fun when you can lift a ludicrous amount of weight. :cool:

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