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The Easy Way To Get Girls - Lie?


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Besides not getting her #, what did I do wrong? Is it alright to lie? What would you have done anything differently?


This is how it went, I was done taking a piss in the restrooms in the Mathematics building, and I saw her, so... -


Me - Hey 'Jennifer!!' How are ya?


J - I'm doing fine, what about you? (Now, I haven't seen her in a month. The last time I saw her, we spoke for 2-3 hours. I was going to get her # the next time I saw her at the meeting, but sadly, she never came. I wanted to see her again. I didn't feel like making another mistake, so I lied.)


Me - (I needed "math help", it was an excuse to get together with her). Bad...


J - OMG, why?!


Me - I'm not doing well in math, and I have to apply to Colgate U. (it's a real school) in less than 2 weeks...


J - I can help you! Or at least try...


Me - Are you sure?!


J - Yeah! I've got free time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. How about next week at 3pm @ the Library?


Me - Well... alright. Sure!


J - Do you want my #?


Me - Oh, no no. I'll give you mine. (I didn't want to deal with all the drama, call too early - you're labeled as desperate. Too late - you're a dick).


In short, she never showed... lol. Never called either. I deserved it though.

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Originally posted by SavesTheDay

Is it alright to lie?

If it ever gets serious, you'll regret it.

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The Easy Way To Get Girls - Lie?


cleary it wasn't in this case


Eventually she would have found out the truth so it's probably a good thing she didn't call or show. Maybe she asked around & found out that you weren't that bad at maths. And you're right - bad thing to do. If she did find out she's probably telling her mates about it. If she didn't find out then she's flaky for making arrangements like that & not keeping them or having the decency to at least call & cancel.


It can't be a good idea to start off with someone based on a lie - she may have thought it was sweet but chances are she would have been royally pissed off that you wasted her time with an ulterior motive in mind.


I didn't want to deal with all the drama, call too early - you're labeled as desperate. Too late - you're a dick


Huh? You had a specific time, date & place - there is nothing too early or too late about it.


Oh well - live and learn.

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Lying is not good.


You could have just asked her to help you review your math material, without saying that you were in severe difficulty.

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One who is well-versed in the art of deceit can often go very far in life. In this instance, however, it may have been best to avoid lying.

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First of all, you refuse to get her number. This is really bad. Never ever do that again in the rest of your life. They will think that you dont really want to call them and am not interested in them. Besides, why would someone like to call someone else in order to help him? It is you who need help, not her. I just doesnt make sense to me.

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LOL, legendary!


The strangest part of the conversation was where you refused to accept her offer to give you her number.


I can't really contemplate any standard logic by which I'd call someone in order to give them help. Fair enough, I wouldn't not call if I'd agreed to - even if I found out about some alterior motive. But that's just strange.


You may find this strange - but the consequences of being completely honest - and saying what you wanted is usually far better than that of lying. Most people don't like deception, unless it's very subtle and they feel they're in on the game. The truth, as uncomfortable as it may make someone feel - usually feels better than being deceived and the consequential feeling of stupidity/ignorance.


As for you, being honest (if only in a subtle way), will avoid the horridity of situations like this where you're no longer in a position to easily ascertain what happened.

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the 2 ppl above me beat me to it :)


Why in the world would u refuse a girls number and offer yours? That's bad news #1....and the situation makes it even worse.


I mean if she calls....what is she supposed to say "So....I'm ready to help you with your math whenever you're rdy...when are you free?" It's almost as if she is a slave or something.....

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We had a time and a place to meet at. The exchanging of phone #'s was for her to call me if anything came up. I made a mistake, and I paid the price. Oh well.

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In short, she never showed... lol. Never called either. I deserved it though.


She sounds kind of mean to say she'd come and never show up...what if you really did need help?

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There's a small part that I omitted. We were talking about our future plans after college. I told her that my major was either going to be - Physics, or Economics/ Mathematics.


She saw right through me. It just took her a little while, thats all. Haha, no worries.

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First of all, you refuse to get her number. This is really bad. Never ever do that again in the rest of your life.

How do I put this? Girls never call back. Get her email if possible so you can avoid the whole answering machine drama.



Read The Rules by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider. It is a book full of stupid rules and guidelines designed to weed out weaker males, and hopefully get Mr. Right. It is all manipulation.

In any case, read the book, and learn the GAME.

If you want to manipulate them, or play by their rules, you can can find a ton of dating books out there.



She sounds kind of mean to say she'd come and never show up...what if you really did need help?

It looks like she lied to him. I don't think this was the first time, and I don't think this will be the last time it will happen.



If you are going to lie, then lie about your degree. Tell her that you will either become a doctor or a lawyer (Two high paying jobs).

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