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I Want To Just Shout It Out Loud...but Should I?

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Alright, simple and straight to the point.


I've known this girl from college for about two years. We met at first and we instantly clicked. The first conversation we ever had lasted for more than two hours and it was just AWESOME. I was instantly utterly hypnotized by her and I developed this really bad crush on her. That faded away after a while, since we didn't see each other so often.


Ever since 6 months ago, we've developed this really great friendship. We hang out together a lot and finish each other sentences quite often, we also team up for most projects in college, in short, we get along just great.


BUT (there's always a but, isn't there) the thing is she's had this boyfriend for over 4 years. This guy is like a son to her parents, as so is she to his. Their families have been really close for centuries and stuff, and they're sort of reponsible for setting the two of them up, and really expect them to get married. But now, she says she's realized they're way too different and that she doesn't see the point in keeping up the relationship.


And in case you're having trouble putting two and two together, I've developed quite deep feelings for her after getting to know her for some time. We just have so much in common and so many things to talk about and have so much fun together, and...well, you know the rest. So she's coming to me for advice, tellling me about all of their problems, and complaining about how she CAN'T do with HIM all the things SHE AND I do. Still, I don't know if there's an interest on her part.


So, should I say something? On one hand, I don't wanna mess up our friendship, nor do I want to lose my study partner. On the other hand, this thing is just growing inside of me and so many feelings are bottling up inside that I feel like I'm gonna explode if I don't say something quick (although writing it all on loveshack really helps).


C'mon guys, give me a hand here.

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:eek: I thought I already replied to this post..... now I'm confused.... :confused: anyway.....


She could view you as a good friend and thus she is comfortable with telling you about her concerns etc.


Does not necessarily mean that it's a promise of romantic interest. It's not the right time to find out..... even if her current relationship is in hot water.


As long as she is still in a relationship with her 'bf' i suggest you don't make any move.... surely you don't want to end up as the rebound guy.


On the other hand, I myself had an awful experience of bottling up my feelings towards a certain guy and one day blurted it out and ...... let's just say it didn't turn out too well. :o:p;):laugh::D I'm still lauging at myself until today.

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