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does this mean anything?


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or am i just using wishful thinking? there is this guy that i like and this whole scenario probably means nothing but i just had to ask, so this is what happened: this guy, let's call him mike, got a haircut and i told him that i liked it and he was like "really? i didn't think it was so great, but thanks." and then later he saw me and he's like "Michelle, do you really like my haircut?" and was just like, yes i like it. and he starts talking about how he just got it cut spur of the moment.... and then he asked me again if i really liked the haircut and i was like "yes i like it stop worrying" and then i told him to stop worrying and that if i didn't like his haircut i wouldn't have mentioned it. and then i made this joke about how his hair was before he cut it and then he said something like "you had to insult me huh?" so then i told him that i didn't want his ego to get too big, and then he was like "i have an ego?" and he said it in such a cute voice that i felt bad and i told him that i was just kidding he didn't have an ego. and then he said the cutest thing in the world, in my opinon, he was like "no i do have an ego, but i don't have a reason to have one." at that moment i thought what he said was so adorable and i payed him a compliment.


now that i think about it i think he was just fishing for compliments and looking for an ego boost and i fell for it. or was he trying to be adorable? or was he just acting normal and i'm just a big weirdo for even giving this a second thought?

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Awwww God, yup you're a big weirdo! LOL


Wishful thinking? What are you wishing for sweetie? That he likes you? He's either got low self-confidence or he was just playin with you, either way it sounds like he may like you too.


Every person, every man on this planet has an ego - don't fool yaself there, others totally run off it, others are more grounded. I don't think this was a big ego thing for him, he was probably just a bit insecure bout the haircut, needed some assurance about it.


Who knows? Trying to read another's mind is really a waste of time, human nature is complex, trying to second guess someone's words and intentions is very hard, you'll never know 100%.


Merry Christamas! :-)

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thanks for replying. this guy definitely does not have low self confidence, in fact i think he has some excess confidence. so then in that case you think he was playing with my head?


also, you said that either way he likes me, i was just wondering why would you think that?


thanks for responding.

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Don't fool yourself with the excess self-confidence, people who are full of themselves are like that because they are insecure, it's their defence mechanism, you know, act confident but underneath they are full of insecurities and self-doubt. It's an act to themselves more than anyone else. He showed you some insecurity here by choosing to feel insulted when you mentioned his hair before.


No, I didn't mean he was playing with your head, I meant playin and as in playin, you know fooling around. Just exchanging conversation. He probably brought the haircut thing up when he saw you later because you mentioned it the first time, maybe he likes you too (that's why I think that, also he felt insulted that you may not have like his hair before) but doesn't know how to make conversation so he brought that up again. Just his way of making conversation with you.


Who knows, sweetie, I'm just guessing here! You were there, what do you really think? Quiet your mind somehow and just feel with your heart.

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I mean, that he even cares that you like his hair or that you think he has or doesn't have a big ego.

thanks, could i just ask you one thing, what exactly makes you think that he likes me?
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