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Is it possible for a girl to fall in love with her sister?

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There is this girl (34) that I (31) like a lot, we are both very friendly with each other. When we are together (she lives in another country) we talk, we play, and we break past the touch barrier. She pokes me, she touches me, we hug, we play "footsie", she lays on my shoulder, we hold hands, arms, we share food, etc... Basically she feels very comfortable around me and with me touching her.


I recently asked her if we where something more than friends (we've known each other for 2 years now). She bursts out in laughter and tell me how surprised she was to hear that. She told me that she appreciates me a lot and likes me a lot but only as a friend. She didn't get scared off, and we continue as before. Nothing has changed in the way we act towards each other. She says that she is not confused about her feelings towards me.


I understand that some women can be very friendly, but it's hard to confuse the way she acts towards me as being something more than friends. She doesn't have any other men (her age) in her life, she's a school teacher, and only has an older sister.


She and her sister have a special bond. They have always cared for each other since they were little and never had the type of sibling rivalry found in most family relationships. Her parents are divorced and she loves both her father and mother a lot. She's is a Libra and she's the type of person with a very fun playful personality, child-like yet mature when needed. She is quite a special and unique individual.


She is always thinking of her sister, sending her pictures, emailing her almost every day, and always says that she loves her. She and her sister always do everything together, go out to events, concerts, hold hands out in public, and the two sleep in the same bed during family trips. I notice her sister touches her and feels her in the same sensual (but not sexual or erotic) ways that I do, and she does the same in return. It's almost as if she is in "love" with her sister. I'm absolutely certain she is not a gay/lesbian because she only acts this way towards her sister and would never be this way with another woman.


I also want to make it clear that I get along with her sister very well and we are good friends. I am in no way hostile at her sister, although I will admit to feeling a very small amount of jealousy towards her.


Is it possible that a woman can be "in love" with her sister? I feel as if she has sub-conscience feelings for me, but because she is consciously in love with her sister, it's preventing her from realizing that there is another person in her life she could be in love with.

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If you've read some of the wacky stuff on here, in LS World a lesbian incestuius sister couple is probably not the weirdest thing to grace this site. However, with that being said, I highly doubt your gf wants to scissor with her own sister. I think they probably grew up really close and are just like best best best friends. I know people like this. One of my brothers and I used to be like that... not anymore, but we are still close. I would not worry about it too much.

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