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very worried


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I have a pen pal that we both became very close friends.We would email each other every day.We even had our own chat room.Anyways,is been about more then a week since he last emailed me.Im really worried.It just isnt like him.I understand he probably got busy with the holidays or maybe hes studying for college.I sent him some emails,but he hasnt seen them yet.I hope hes ok,Im really worried.I just hope that where ever he is hes safe and ok.I care about him so much.Today I broke down and cried looking at his picture.I miss him.I dont know what to think,I hope he's ok.

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If you are this emotionally close to a pen pal, you must have his phone number. Give him a call.


If you don't hear from him through Email and you aren't able to reach him on the phone, consider that he has just shut down the association.


This happens a lot, not only with penpals but even with in-person friendships. People just go dark and quit calling. It's really weird and I can't tell you why they do it. I suppose it's for different reasons. But I will tell you, if he is still alive...and I'm quite sure he is...it was VERY rude of him not to communicate with you during this holiday season.


If you do hear back from him, you very much need to express your anger and frustration. You also need to see exactly how he feels about you. It sounds like you feel a whole lot more close to him than he does to you...and you don't need that. If you do continue to write him, you're going to have to pull back on your emotions and not give so much importance to this Email association.


If a friend of mine dropped out of sight and didn't Email me over the holidays, I would write him/her off in a heartbeat.

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