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Is this cheating?

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I found out that my gf showed a couple of guys her clit preicing. It took her two months before she told me. She knew I would be mad but she did it anyway. I haven't even seen it! We have been together for a year, and I am think of breaking up with her. What should I do?

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That is SOOO cheating. I mean if you havent seen it and she feels comfortable to show it to some random guy thats a sign that she doesnt trust you anyway and w/ out trust a relationship isnt really worth anything. I'd feel uncomfortable if it were a nipple peircing but it's on her cooch! thats just not classy at all....

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They are friends of hers. We have had sex before, but the last we did was like 4 months ago. I'm away at college and can only see her once a month.

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They weren't random guys. They are friends of hers and there was also a female friend with her. She said it was no big deal and that it wasn't cheating. She told me that she showed it to them.

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I dunno Henry,


Maybe she just doesn't see it the way you do. Some people have no issue with nudity and love the exhibitionist side of themselves. I would suggest that you get more information about the incident and what she was thinking when she did it. If she thought she was doing something you would not approve of, I doubt she would have told you.


Just My .02



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I would feel kind of weird knowing that she showed a couple of guys before she showed her own boyfriend.


Besides, the guys needed to see it why? They had no business seeing it, why would she even want to show them. Like they're going to really benefit from it. That's just yucky.


I think that cheating is doing something you wouldn't do in front of your bf/bf. I doubt she would be doing a public display of her private area with you in the room if there were guys in there too.

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I don't know either Your Highness


I am a bit confused about something:


It took her two months before she told me. She knew I would be mad but she did it anyway.


What does that mean exactly? It sounds to me like she told you before hand that she wanted to show some friends, you said you didn't like that idea & then she went ahead & did it anyway. Is that what happened?


If so, then I think there is another issue(s) involved here & I would be hard pressed to understand why, knowing that you didn't want her to do this, she would have told you that she went ahead & did it anyway.


Either way, in my opinion I don't see this as something "sexual" & cannot come to the conclusion that it was cheating - more like her friends were curious & so she showed them. As you say there was more than one person present, one of whom was a woman.


In your shoes I would have wanted to see it first but I wouldn't really mind if she wanted to show some friends. The person who did the piercing saw it, didn't they? That must have been more up-front & personal. Do you think that was cheating?

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I don't think that the guy who pierced it should even be considered in this. I mean, he kind of had to see it to pierce it, didn't he.


He had a purpose for being down there, the friends didn't.

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Originally posted by Jilly10340

I don't think that the guy who pierced it should even be considered in this. I mean, he kind of had to see it to pierce it, didn't he.


He had a purpose for being down there, the friends didn't.


My point Jilly is that what the piercer was doing was clinical & that people can view something, yes even intimate body parts, in a curious clinical manner without anything sexual or duplicitous in their intentions.

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Theres a little more info. Those guys were drunk at the time. And she knew I would be mad because before she told me that she had shown it to people before we started dating.

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I was under the impression that she just had it done and her friends just wanted to see it. Now it's just worst.


I don't know, maybe I'm too modest but I don't care how friendly I am with someone. My number one rule is that I don't go showing off my goodies to everyone, pierced or unpierced.


The fact that she doesn't mind everyone seeing her naked would bother me.

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Originally posted by King Henry

Theres a little more info. Those guys were drunk at the time. And she knew I would be mad because before she told me that she had shown it to people before we started dating.


You seem to be making up excuses for it, obviously you are not all that mad about it.

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I would not perceive this as cheating.


Cheating to me is breaking a promise that 2 people made to each other. Kissing, sex, even touching are pretty much understood as "do only with me" promises in a relationship.


Stripping in front of others is disrespectful (to yourself) but cheating?....NO

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Originally posted by King Henry

Theres a little more info. Those guys were drunk at the time. And she knew I would be mad because before she told me that she had shown it to people before we started dating.


If the two of you were not dating yet, how could you call it cheating? It is not cheating, all she did was allowed people to see a part of her body, which was still in poor taste, drunk or not.

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