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I read your post earlier and didn't have too many thoughts on it. I think you are way overly concerned about this.


Actually, I think he was just playing with your head. Any man who would be truly that concerned about what people thought of his haircut would be pretty crazy. Yes, everybody likes a compliment but, unless a guy is a fully certified fruitcake, he's not going to go overboard.


Now, on the other hand, I do know ladies love to hear compliments about their hair...and many boyfriends/husbands have been killed because they didn't notice or compliment their lady's new doo.


I think this guy was just putting you on...joking. If he wasn't, he's got some real problems.

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Sorry to steal your thunder here Tony (I'm sure I wont!) but Michelle - hon! it didn't mean ANYTHING, he was just making conversation, he wasn't playing with your head as in looking for an ego trip or with an intention to suck compliments out of you, honestly guys just don't do that thing - not about their hair anyway!!!!


Relax girl, the only way you are going to get some peace of mind here is to just go ask the guy, 'hey boy, why were you asking me so many questions about your new do, what's up with that?' LOL, otherwise just accept that you will NEVER ever know why he said what he said, guess all you like but it's still only a guess.


This is a bad, bad habit for you to be getting into with guys (anyone!), it really is, no one appreciates having their every word and intention analysed and second guessed. You seem to be looking for any clue here that he may like you OR failing that (because of your own insecurities) you now need to believe that he was trying to pull a swifty on you, to satisfy his own ego.


I know you need to know one way or the other but for your own sake please just let this little convo go, it was just that - a meaningless conversation.

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I totally agree with every Stargazer says in the above post. I hope there is some way you can find more productive, constructive ways to spend you time other than thinking about this.


Figure out a way the Tampa Bay Buccaneers can get to the Superbowl and I'll pay you, OK?

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Stargazer explained that but I will do so also. When somebody is "playing with your head" they are merely playing games with you, manipulating you. This is merely an expression used to describe a situation in which one person is verbally playing with another.


Another word for this would be teasing someone or just having fun with them without them knowing it.


If you do not understand this explanation, please ask your friends to further explain.



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Try and keep up with me here sweetie - Both Tony and I have said all along that we feel this was just a meaningless conversation, that he was NOT playing with your head as in bad intentions.




from me -


"it didn't mean ANYTHING, he was just making conversation, he wasn't playing with your head as in looking for an ego trip or with an intention to suck compliments out of you, honestly guys just don't do that thing - not about their hair anyway!!!!"


"I know you need to know one way or the other but for your own sake please just let this little convo go, it was just that - a meaningless conversation"


from Tony -


"I think this guy was just putting you on...joking. If he wasn't, he's got some real problems"


Then you asked Tony this, remember:


"thanks tony i appreciate all the responses, but can you please tell me what you mean when you say that he was playing with my head?"


Tony replied to your own question with this, remember:


"Stargazer explained that but I will do so also. When somebody is "playing with your head" they are merely playing games with you, manipulating you. This is merely an expression used to describe a situation in which one person is verbally playing with another.


Another word for this would be teasing someone or just having fun with them without them knowing it.


If you do not understand this explanation, please ask your friends to further explain"


He was merely explaining to you what the TERM playing with your head could mean, basically a bit of verbal play between two people, there are a number of ways one could interpret this phrase according to the situation and intention.


In your situation it wasn't playing with your head as in manipulation or bad intention, it was playing with your head as far as kidding, teasing, meaningless bit of fun, making conversation. I can see how you may have gotten confused with this response but you know yourself when you've teased someone with words that you didn't necessarily mean anything other than it than a bit of light banter.


Does this help you?

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Thank you so much for your help here. I was getting exhausted trying to explain this and wasn't going to try again. I hope she understands. It really is very insignificant and not that important for her to understand in the context of the rest of the posts. I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry I ever used that expression.


Happy Holidays!!!

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Hi Tony,


Yeah I figured! I knew you'd had enough, you're welcome. I know this one was a bit 'eh?', hence your new post on 'stupid questions' thank YOU for posting that!


Happy New Year to You


*Warm Hugs*

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It's very frustrating when people just don't understand and, instead of asking their friends for clarification, they keep posting and posting and posting.


Sorry for the problem above with the fake Tony.

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Dear Tony,


I'm really sorry for bugging you with my problem.


You said that I should ask my friends, but see, i'm always talking to my friends about this guy. i wanted some new opinions that's all. thanks so much for responding to my question and don't worry, i won't bother you anymore.

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