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bad first impression??

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hey I just introduced myself to this guy I think is very attractive.


We had one class together and I just started off with that in common... I asked his name and gave him mine, then said I just saw him around a lot and wanted to introduce myself, and then said seeya, which was really abrupt now that I think about it. He seemed really confused.


Should I apologize next time I see him, or just wait for him to say sthg? Not real sure what to do to keep things/set things normal again? any advice appreciated. thanks

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wait why are you worried ? are you interested in being his friend or soemthing more?


seems to me like you made a good impression already.

next time you see him say hi and start a friendly conversation.

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I'd like to be maybe friends first but ultimately something more. He seemed sort of put off by my abrupt ending to the convo - a rushed 'seeya'. I don't want to have seeemed like I was sending mixed signals or being a rude bitch. If I apologize next time I see him (like Hey I was in a rush last time, sorry...), would it be sorta awkward? I really want to keep things smoothly and not screw up...Thanks for replying :)

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Say hi to him again and ask him how he's doing. And don't be as abrupt the second time. He'll forget all about the first time..

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Nah.... i don't see anything so bad in this pic. :cool:


Just be cool, no need to go apologizing. At least give him a nice smile when you bump into him next. That should put him back on the course if he's interested too ;)

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you think i shouldn't apologize for running off so quick? i think it left him w/ mixed signals or something. maybe just say, 'sorry i had to jet last time, i had some stuff to take care of?' or would that just make things more awkward? having trouble deciding between courtesy and awkwardness....

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ok, let me get this straight, you want to apologize to someone who is practically a stranger that you've met only once??


you didnt do anything bad but leaving abruptly, he mustve thought u were in a hurry somewhere. The best case scenario is, he probably doesnt even remember what happened.


Look, if you want to be something more. It will take time. You cant go rushing in and thinking he'll dislike you just cause you left abruptly. on the other hand, if her asked you something and u brushed him off or ignored him, then there would be something to apologize for definitely.


this is minor. you're overanalyzing this, just forget about this and let things flow the next time u see him. honestly, if a girl did that to me i met the first time, i wouldnt care less.

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Thanks for the advice. I chilled out and talked to him and we had an ok convo. I asked about his classes and stuff but then he looked like he had to leave. He said a lot of irrelevant things (not really answering my question and subtley trying to show off?) and didn't really smile (??) and looked like he was in a rush, or had to leave. So, yeah...That was that... We'll see how things go

Thanks again for calming me down :) I tend to get freaked out about this sort of thing...it's funny, schoolwork and tests are no prob for me, but when it comes to guys, ....whole other story


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