trippi1432 Posted January 27, 2014 Share Posted January 27, 2014 Oh Yas!! I'm so sorry that you continue to have to go through this with this jerk and his attorney If I recall correctly, didn't he purposely pay the first alimony payment late to begin with and cause you an issue with the mortgage payments? And he's still doing it apparently. Fact - If you were a few months behind on a mortgage payment, foreclosure process would have started. Obviously, someone would get notified and if the mortgage is in both your names, you would be entitled to such notice. I would call up the bank tomorrow and ask them to give me a print out of the statements of the account and ask them if any late fees applied...most waive them if paid within 30 days. Don't panic over this stuff.....recognize his design for what it is..... Then go get gussied up and collect the paperwork to shame him and his stupid hound dog attorney... 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted January 28, 2014 Author Share Posted January 28, 2014 Trippi, Thank you, hon. I did exactly what you said. And wait till you find out the results! I cannot believe the anxiety and paranoia that I allowed to consume my imagination over the weekend, get this, for NOTHING! 1. The mortgage company emailed the history of my payments, and the monthly credit report since I took over the loan in October 2012. MY ACCOUNT IN PERFECT STANDING. 2. Property Tax Office e-Mailed my Payment Contract (4 Payments) a record of my payments, and prepared a letter that I satisfied the terms of the Contract, and my taxes are paid in full, up to date, with no penalities. SO THERE. 3. The banker investigated the Equity Line I am responsible for since October 2012. She found that my payment history is perfect. It will 48 hours, but the Bank is preparing a letter explaing my excellent payment record on the account. ARE WE GOOD NOW? Yes! We are good! The letter, (and attachment) I wrote made his attorney look like an a$$ wipe. You know, I don't do so bad as a Pro Se, if I could just stop scaring myself. BTW. Mortgage company tells me, lil' Nazi needs to have his homeowner's insurance updated on his house. I know it tough with all those wrecks and Dui's (perhaps he bought his way out of those). I noticed the Mugshot photo DUI/wreckless/& driving on blown tires was finally taken down off the Internet (that was a smart move). But you cannot buy you way out of half a dozen wrecks! Even before the separation we lost all our homeowner's and car insurances due to his wrecks. He thinks he is Mario Andretti or whoever. Another thing I learned from a phone call is that he refuses to pay a carpet cleaning service for the restaurant. Collections called me on landline 3 times, I passed call onto his attorney. I happened by accident to pick up the forth call and they told me he would only pay $300 of the $650 owed because he wasn't happy that it wasn't dry when they finished. They said it's going on the credit reports. And he'll also be sued for "theft of services.". I told them we are divorced - they said it can be removed, it is just a hassle though. Now, it must have cost $1000 for former husband to pay the most expensive celebrity attorney in Atlanta to aggravate me this weekend. It will probably cost $2500-$3500 for this big time attorney to go through the enormous amount of paperwork proof I prepared, and read and make a smart response to my letter to cover his a$$. And these hardworking guys at the carpet cleaning place, with an "A" rating at the BBB have to hire a collections company to get a portion of their effing money. What do you think about this? Please tell me. Yas 2 Link to post Share on other sites
dreamingoftigers Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 I think that You're Golden and he's a schmuck. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
aliveagain Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 My lawyer was $750.00 an hour, $135.00 per phone call and the same for emails. Any work you can prepare yourself do so and just continue to flood him with documents, let him bleed for a while. Sell a property, give yourself some breathing room, you don't need chest pains. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted January 29, 2014 Author Share Posted January 29, 2014 My lawyer was $750.00 an hour, $135.00 per phone call and the same for emails. Any work you can prepare yourself do so and just continue to flood him with documents, let him bleed for a while. Sell a property, give yourself some breathing room, you don't need chest pains. You know, AliveAgain, tonight I'm cooking home-made stuffed peppers. But, ya know, tomorrow morning, I think I'm gonna make a stuffed expensive attorney! Wouldn't it be helpful to lil' Nazi attorney to actually receive copies of all the checks and internet feedback on each of 17 individual payments on al items I'm responsible for paying? Via fax, email, and 1st class US Mail, just like the way he used to di it? Let's see.... 1. Mortgage 1 x17 2. Equity Line on Mortgagage 1 x 17 3. Taxes Mortgage 1 x 17 4. Taxes Mortgage 2 x 17 5. Homeowner's Insurance Mortgage 1 x 17 6. Renter's Insurance on Mortgage 2 I'll try to thunk up some more in the morning. Have to produce for accountant anyway, might as well get started. Thanks for the tip, AliveAgain. Oh yeah! The Judge said he had to take the SBA collateral loan off my rental property. I wonder where we are with that Order? Probably he's made no effort. I got two neighbors with elderly parents that wanna buy the place right now. I could make $100g - no agent, according to comps. Plus their gonna fight over it. One lady is next door, the other across street. Couldn't be a sweeter set up. And my tenant recently walked off the lease. I think AliveAgain is right. Mortgage went up - it is no longer profitable - just a big pain. But I have to get my divorce attorney off my back or she will get the money. Im still working on that, but truthfully - kinda got lazy, waiting two months now for reconsideration. I really should flood the Bar Association's mailbox too. I made some mistakes - but I get the system now. I could at least file for Fee Arbitration. Thanks guys. It's you'all that are GOLDEN. Sorry, I'm kinda of needy right now. Not for Nazi though. Man - I'm ashamed he did not pay this carpet guys. I hate stuff like that. Something about that really galls me, turns me off. Again thank you. Yas PS. Finally snowing in ATL. Maybe I make some snowcream! (Ice-Cream made out of snow)! 2 Link to post Share on other sites
trippi1432 Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 (edited) :bunny: Proud of you Hun!! Hmmm, and just think all that factual information that you have on him....and he had "what" one YOU?? Personally I would call him on his little games and tell him if he steps out of line like that one more time, you are going to sue him for defamation of character for even attempting to hold you in contempt when nothing is wrong with any of the accounts. You are one smart cookie Yas, never forget that!! Oh...and I agree with DOT.....lil Nazi is a schmuck!! Edited January 29, 2014 by trippi1432 Link to post Share on other sites
Steadfast Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 Yas, I'm not a financial expert and don't know your exact situation. I do know that you must decide where you want to be; emotionally and financially. If you're anything like me, where you are and where you'd like to be are different places. I am not a financial expert, but I am a survival expert! In short, my post-d-day situation evolved into more than double the debt, supported by (at best) 25% of my previous income. It was a combination of her pulling out, the economy going tits up, and the personal burden of caring for two shattered teens. Toss in not one, but two failing businesses and the death of a parent, Being shattered myself didn't help any. This started in August of 2008. As of now, my total debt amounts to less than $5000. Total. I'd pay that off, but paying on time helps my credit rating, which was shattered. Yes, I lost most everything, but I only lost what was replaceable. Stupid material possessions. I gained much more. What feels like failure often transforms into success. Don't be afraid of it! I stopped worrying about who people thought I was and focused on who I wanted to become. I faced every creditor, head on. I stopped worrying about the unfairness of losing everything I'd worked for and accepted the reality of rebuilding a life that needed rebuilding anyway. Married or not, divorced or not, I was in a bad situation and needed to get out. The divorced accelerated the process (with a turbo boost) and while it wasn't easy, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. Crazy? Yes. A life lesson? Absolutely. One that I'll never forget. It all boils down to being accountable and knowing what you want. If you have the energy and determination to reach your vision, you will reach it. Patience Yas. Patience! Rome wasn't built in a day. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted January 29, 2014 Author Share Posted January 29, 2014 Yes, Trippi, I did mention in the letter the "it would be nice if you, Mr. Attorney,' would check your facts before causing me anxiety by send out a letter threatening a Motion of Contempt." Cause indeed, it did cause me anxiety and paranoia. And due to my illness, I didn't think he would write such a letter unless it were true. It is certainly easy to make an on-line mistake and pay to the wrong mortgage as his house is on same page and all the stuff looks alike and I have to really concentrate. And also - I pay mortgages late most of the time - because he is late with alimony. But recently - I had to push the envelope in order to get those taxes paid (and that was what worried me so). But it is OK to pay late as long as you pay late fee - it does not ding your credit score UNLESS it is 30 past due. So everything is cool with my system. I like the isdea of threatening then with defamation, I really like that. It's true. Another thing I thought of last night is how non-responsive thier office is to me, even the staff. According to the "Correspondence Files" my attorney gave me by mistake, the para-legal is always very chummy in correspondence. But when I send over, for instance, the "collections" phone transcipts, there is no thank, or acknowledgment at all to me. When the situation escalated, and I copied paralegal the call transcript and recording, again, no thank or "we're looking into it," nor any acknowledgment at all. When I emailed my nice letter with all the attachments addressing their concerns regarding my lack of payments on mortgage, taxes, and line of credit - again, no resonse. Normally, according to the pattern in my attorney's files, a cheerful reply such as "I'll pass your letter on to Mr. Attorney - he is in the office later in the afternoon. Have a nice day." but I receive no such acknowledgment. I requested the correspondence that former husband received that stimulated this alarming letter I received from Mr. Attorney, and no response. Now - on each correspondence - I write my full name with title like this: Dr. Yas Andio, Pro Se. That means I'm acting as my own attorney. Just because I am disabled doesn't mean I'm dumb. Why am I being treated differently in my professional correspondence? Is this discrimination based on my disability? (bi-polar people are often pretty sharp). What do you guys think about that? Don't I deserve the same pleasantries provied to others when I am in the role of Pro Se litigant and it was the Attorney that yanked my chain. Tell me your thoughts on this please. Yas 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted January 29, 2014 Author Share Posted January 29, 2014 Yas, I'm not a financial expert and don't know your exact situation. I do know that you must decide where you want to be; emotionally and financially. If you're anything like me, where you are and where you'd like to be are different places. I am not a financial expert, but I am a survival expert! In short, my post-d-day situation evolved into more than double the debt, supported by (at best) 25% of my previous income. It was a combination of her pulling out, the economy going tits up, and the personal burden of caring for two shattered teens. Toss in not one, but two failing businesses and the death of a parent, Being shattered myself didn't help any. This started in August of 2008. As of now, my total debt amounts to less than $5000. Total. I'd pay that off, but paying on time helps my credit rating, which was shattered. Yes, I lost most everything, but I only lost what was replaceable. Stupid material possessions. I gained much more. What feels like failure often transforms into success. Don't be afraid of it! I stopped worrying about who people thought I was and focused on who I wanted to become. I faced every creditor, head on. I stopped worrying about the unfairness of losing everything I'd worked for and accepted the reality of rebuilding a life that needed rebuilding anyway. Married or not, divorced or not, I was in a bad situation and needed to get out. The divorced accelerated the process (with a turbo boost) and while it wasn't easy, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. Crazy? Yes. A life lesson? Absolutely. One that I'll never forget. It all boils down to being accountable and knowing what you want. If you have the energy and determination to reach your vision, you will reach it. Patience Yas. Patience! Rome wasn't built in a day. You are right Steadfast. I am very impulsive. And my financial situation will float - but something has to be done with 55G credit card debt - and soon. It was 45g - it went to 55g in 15 months - with me paying minimums. That is all I can do. My credit standing is very high. If this dang credit card debt was paid off - I would have at least a $1000 freed up. I have a notion to pull it out of my retirement and get it over with. I waited on the credit card debt because I was fighting the attorney for a $30,000 insurance settlement the judge awarded me. I thought I might get the interest charges in damages. But I did not win the case - due to my non-response to some filings, and my previous attorney's failure to respond to the initial lawsuit. It all came down to the fee agreement I signed in 2008, period. If I knew that, it would have been an easy argument that I had diminished capacity (un-diagnosed and unmedicated bi-polar desease). I was so manic, and had just returned to the US with sleep for 2 weeks. I had lost 30 pounds, looked, sounded, and acted like a different person. She had to have noticed something was wrong with me since the first time she had met me 7-8 months prior. I was tremoring, laughing, dancing, acting totally out of character. I put 20G on my AmEx just like that - no negotiating, more than she asked for (totally manic behavior). I sighed everything without reading a word. She saw me flip to the last page of the document to sign. She knew full well my financial status. He responsibility as an attorney, according to the Bar Association, is to protect a person with diminished capacity. I was already on disability to begin with since 2000, and she was aware of that. And the abdondonment in Greece by my husband, pushed me over the edge, according to the psychiatrist - and the shock of this event caused chemical embalences in my brain - symptoms were showing of a manic high once I returned to US, and was in her office 3 days later. Her duty was to get a responsible person to assist and/oversee me the decision making so I would comprehend what I was doing. I.e., I didn't realize what the heck I signed until I was in front of the Judge recently! I had no idea she could take everything away from me -- even my alimony. This is really serious. This is an Ethics matter for the Bar to work out. I have to pull it together and write this one up. I asked the psychiatrist if he believed I could contract at that time, and he said he wouldn't want me contracting even at this time. He is willing to write a letter about this. The other bar things I goofed up, as I stated before. Im not sure if I should jam them up with more paperwork yet. Steadfast, I don't know what I want to do. I know I haven't reached the indifference stage yet. But the problem is the my former husband coincidentally shows up in my territory frequently, even in my sub-division. I have found some solutions by shopping and doing business elsewhere - but now, he found a new way to yank my chain, through erroneous claims via his celebrity attorney - which frightentened me over the weekend, as I do not have an attorney - cause mine lied to me, and I have filed complaints against her. I want somehow to escape his reach. I see in the in the snow in my driveway, some tracks where someone has come in and out. This is the kind of stuff he or someone he hires does. I watched it go on at exactly 2:15am for a month, until I couldn't take it anymore. And one night, I was there to meet the guy with my camera flashing his plates and his mug. He was trying to hide himself. I was really in his face - I had my arms inside his car window. I scared the pee out of him, with my crazy jumping around, flashes, swearing, and general sensory overload. I punched the windshield also. Anything to cause confusion - that's how I roll on these jerks. After it's over, they never come back. But then, I reflect on my conduct, and it concerns me. I could hurt. The other person could get hurt or panic, even get in a collision out of fear of me. I might also cause property damage. That is not good. Here again, impulsive behavior, as well as an anger management problem. That is why I want to sell the rental. That property is extremely valuable, and will go way way up if I can manage to hold on to it. It is in the primo neighborhood by the university - and there is no land around there anymore. Mine is 1/2 acre, no one has this large a lot. I really should keep it another 5 to 20 years for a retirement nestegg or a cheap place to live if I get homeless for some reason. Maybe I am over-reacting about selling it. I'm so mixed up. But thank you Steadfast. I will re-read your post and all the others till I full absorb them. Yas Link to post Share on other sites
Misadventure Posted January 29, 2014 Share Posted January 29, 2014 Keep to the formula... it gets hard.. Trust me I know. Link to post Share on other sites
Steadfast Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 You may not know what you want Yas, but you know what you don't want: To be stalked by your ex and his goons. Only a cretin moves that close to an isolated any time of day. He deserved what you dished out. He did. No regrets. Many have done far worse for less. You have a lot of money moving around. I'd consider hiring a financial planner/investment specialist/credit councilor and ask for a recommendation on the legal stuff. You've dug yourself in, but you're smart. We all need to budget and get advice on what to hold and what to fold. Yes; consider the future Yas, but not at the expense of the present. There's no shame in not being over the ex romantically...emotionally. Broken down, it demonstrates the depth of your love. Frankly, I think that's terribly sweet and goes to prove the heart loves who it loves. Until you do reach indifference, you will not be in the position to decide your direction. But that does not stop you from investigating the possibilities. You are who you are. Seek the balance you need to be content. Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted January 30, 2014 Author Share Posted January 30, 2014 (edited) You may not know what you want Yas, but you know what you don't want: To be stalked by your ex and his goons. Only a cretin moves that close to an isolated any time of day. He deserved what you dished out. He did. No regrets. Many have done far worse for less. You have a lot of money moving around. I'd consider hiring a financial planner/investment specialist/credit councilor and ask for a recommendation on the legal stuff. You've dug yourself in, but you're smart. We all need to budget and get advice on what to hold and what to fold. Yes; consider the future Yas, but not at the expense of the present. There's no shame in not being over the ex romantically...emotionally. Broken down, it demonstrates the depth of your love. Frankly, I think that's terribly sweet and goes to prove the heart loves who it loves. Until you do reach indifference, you will not be in the position to decide your direction. But that does not stop you from investigating the possibilities. You are who you are. Seek the balance you need to be content. Yes, Steadfast, this stalking thing really gets to me. In 2010, it even put me in the hospital as I freaked out (panic attack) in the grocery store after a whole morning of being followed by black Crown Victoria's. I had the plates, and my attorney found the were an audio surveillance company out of California - not licensed to practice in Georgia. When I submitted to EMS' advice to go to hospital - they 1013ed me. In other words, they didn't believe me, and with my medication list, automatically assumed I was nuts. Thank God they sent me to my own psychiatriast's hospital. I now refuse to go with any EMS. I went after one of the "watchers" in 2011 - cause I just couldn't take it more. I snuck around the back of the house behind his car with my camera, and he took off, and I fell - hit my nose on his bumper. Got up and ran after him. But my street was downhill, and I fell again, that time hard, and hitting every joint full force, my toes bent totally backwards. He knew I was hurt bad, and slowed down. But, even with the terrible pain, I got up, and hopped - caught up to him, and got my photos like a madwoman. Even his VIN number. I was ready to jump on his moving car if necessary. I had my hands and the camera in his face too, cussing him "got you mother-trucker! Over and over. He told me, "lady, there ain't anything you can do about it.". Made me even more mad. I told him "next time is won't be a camera in your face mother-trucker, and kicked his door. I went to the neighbors and they took pictures of my injuries. I was mess. Then the police came, and EMS. They checked me out, and want to take me for stays - but I wouldn't go because of previous experience. The police were very kind to me and calmed me down. I woke in the middle of nite in the most excrusiating pain. I had some pain med, but it didn't help. I couldn't get to my doctor until about 3pm. I was in eray until 7pm. Luckily, just a busted nose. But I still to this day have joint pain in my elbows knees, etc. A few days later, I went to police station to file report, brought Dunkin donuts also. The lutenent sat down with me and spent a lot of time talking to me about these matters that were happening, and others that I had previously reported. I think he felt bad for me - cause my whole face was swolllen and black, ble, and purple, and I had a cane. The litigant gave me the whole low down on this BS. He had no doubt H was behind it. But problem was that it is not illegal to park on the street. He cared about me and my safety, and I was to stay in my house, and call 911 - even if the person leaves and I'm still frightened. He gave me his personal cell number, and arranged for cops to watch my neighborhood. Interestingly enough, after that episode in August 2011, it never happened again! I had total peace - no one parked under my bedroom window ever again. Now, 15 months post divorce, it has started up again. And I already made the mistake of going after one that was visiting every night at 2:15. He didn't come back again either, but I haven't been staying up watching anymore - just a random sampling every 2 weeks or so. Here the problem - I got to get myself under control. I cannot do this kind of BS going after people - although my crazed method seems to be very effective. I think this has something to do with my anger management issue. Once it starts - I just cannot be cool - I get crazed. I think that is exactly what Nazi is going for - he knows me, and he knows about my paranoia. But he is not aware of the anger management issue I've developed. Or, he is wanting to know my comings and goings, of which I am very decreet. I am totally off the radar. Gone. A ghost. Anyway, just some reasoning why I need to get out of this area or even out of this state. He is not gonna give up, I know him. I do not want to make a mistake that will get me locked up or comitted. I got to find a way to be cool and not lose it. The drugs are not preventing this "overflow" situation when it arises. I will talk to psychiatrist about medication. I wanted to do a review of my patterns, to help me and you guys get some insight to what Im coping with - and what I must change in my conduct. I want it all out of my head. And then I get this attorney letter - and I get paranoid all over again. Even though I got a feather in my cap for my way of handling it, and the fact that NONE of the allegations were true, I'm exhausted from all the fretting and imaging and sorting that I made a mistake somewhere. And my mind needs to be on other. Business matters, yet it takes me some time to recover from a drama situation like this. I cannot focus on anything - my mind is like a scrambled egg. I feel paralyzed again. I cannot even get it together to go out and get some stamps. I'll handle it. Gotta go to therapist at 4pm. That will be the motivation to do the things I need to do since I have to be out anyway. Thanks for listening. And also, thank you for all you good advices. I am studying them. Yas Edited January 30, 2014 by Yasuandio Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted January 30, 2014 Author Share Posted January 30, 2014 Oh God! I opned a mail accidentally addressed to him. Why can he not give his right address to companies???? Guess what it is? COLLECTIONS LETTER! For some car insurance he failed to pay. Crap, now what do I do since I opened it? WTF do I get this drama in my mailbox? I pay my insurance. I never get collection letters. I getting panicked with this crap! A second collections agency within days of his erroneous charges against me via his celebrity attorney threatening Comtempt Motion against me. Good thing I see therapist a 4pm. I am full of anxiety. I don't comprehend what is happening. It doesn't make sense at all. Kind of like Gaslighting. I'm the one accused of wrongdoing, but suddenly, VERY REAL collections regarding his situation come into being. Am I going nuts or something? The guy that call from the Collection agency said he was going to put this on both credit reports and it could get sorted out later. And they were going to sue former husband for treble damages for the Pretense of Theft of Services. I'm taking all these new papers with me to my appointment to make sure I'm not seeing things. And ask therapist what to do. That car insurance envelope looked real plain - just like junk mail - I didn't have my glasses on - I didn't realize it was addressed to him. Oh dear. I wonder ehat might be on my credit report that I don't know about. Maybe it can be "sorted out" like that guy said, but I despise sorting things out - it's easier for me to pay it. I get such bad migraine headaches, anxiety, tremors, and paranoia from worrying - it is just not worth it. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I write back after my appointment. Yas Link to post Share on other sites
RuralGuy Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 (edited) Guess what it is? COLLECTIONS LETTER! For some car insurance he failed to pay. Crap, now what do I do since I opened it? Tear it up, throw it up, and don't tell anyone about it. Not your problem. Or, glue the envelop shut, and write on it "Return to sender, addressee now lives at [give his new address here]", and send it back to the sender. The guy that call from the Collection agency said he was going to put this on both credit reports and it could get sorted out later.They shouldn't be able to put something that is solely in your ex's name on your credit rating. Collection agency people have been know to LIE. They don't care who pays the bills, just as long as they get paid, because that's how they make their money. Edited January 30, 2014 by RuralGuy Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted January 30, 2014 Author Share Posted January 30, 2014 Tear it up, throw it up, and don't tell anyone about it. Not your problem. Or, glue the envelop shut, and write on it "Return to sender, addressee now lives at [give his new address here]", and send it back to the sender. They shouldn't be able to put something that is solely in your ex's name on your credit rating. Collection agency people have been know to LIE. They don't care who pays the bills, just as long as they get paid, because that's how they make their money. Thanks Rural Guy! I never thought of throwing it away! Duh. Geez - Im really bent out of shape. Therapist cancelled again due to weather conditions here in Atlanta. I think my LS team does better work than him anyway! I should be licensed therapist too! I have Ph.D. People have to call me Dr. Yas, who would know the difference. Well, I may have to remove the thin foil in my hair in order to be taken seriously. Hahahahahahahaha! Yas Link to post Share on other sites
Shocked Suzie Posted January 31, 2014 Share Posted January 31, 2014 Tear it up, throw it up, and don't tell anyone about it. Not your problem. Or, glue the envelop shut, and write on it "Return to sender, addressee now lives at [give his new address here]", and send it back to the sender. They shouldn't be able to put something that is solely in your ex's name on your credit rating. Collection agency people have been know to LIE. They don't care who pays the bills, just as long as they get paid, because that's how they make their money. This is correct Yaz Best option is to return to sender and state opened in error and give his new address. And yes the debt solely in his name wont show up on your rating Link to post Share on other sites
Shocked Suzie Posted January 31, 2014 Share Posted January 31, 2014 Oh God! I opned a mail accidentally addressed to him. Why can he not give his right address to companies???? Guess what it is? COLLECTIONS LETTER! For some car insurance he failed to pay. Crap, now what do I do since I opened it? WTF do I get this drama in my mailbox? I pay my insurance. I never get collection letters. I getting panicked with this crap! A second collections agency within days of his erroneous charges against me via his celebrity attorney threatening Comtempt Motion against me. Good thing I see therapist a 4pm. I am full of anxiety. I don't comprehend what is happening. It doesn't make sense at all. Kind of like Gaslighting. I'm the one accused of wrongdoing, but suddenly, VERY REAL collections regarding his situation come into being. Am I going nuts or something? The guy that call from the Collection agency said he was going to put this on both credit reports and it could get sorted out later. And they were going to sue former husband for treble damages for the Pretense of Theft of Services. I'm taking all these new papers with me to my appointment to make sure I'm not seeing things. And ask therapist what to do. That car insurance envelope looked real plain - just like junk mail - I didn't have my glasses on - I didn't realize it was addressed to him. Oh dear. I wonder ehat might be on my credit report that I don't know about. Maybe it can be "sorted out" like that guy said, but I despise sorting things out - it's easier for me to pay it. I get such bad migraine headaches, anxiety, tremors, and paranoia from worrying - it is just not worth it. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. I write back after my appointment. Yas This is BS!!! don't stress about this, best way is to return to sender and go about your own life...this is your ex's issue and has nothing to do with you! if you are really bothered you could always call the agency and explain that you opened in error and have returned to sender...also that you want your address to be taken off their data base to ensure this doesn't happen again and that you don't appreciate their bullying tactics Ss x Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted January 31, 2014 Author Share Posted January 31, 2014 (edited) Guys, I kept my cool, but it is starting up again. It is not my imagination. It is real. I just opened front door to go get mail and saw a box (the new shoes). I bent over to pick it up, and and looked up and saw a suspitious running car parked across street, along edge of the road - between neighbors homes, in the WRONG direction. I don't know make or model - newer car. I froze, and did not walk out to mail box on the street. Just looked at car. After less than a minute or so, it very slowly drove away, on wrong side of road. Guys, I'm creeped out. I feel in my gut I'm being surveilled again. If I had been dressed - I'm afraid my adrenalin would have caused me to go manic and case the car. I am going to check out the window before I go anywhere again. I was cutting carpet again last night at midnight in the garage for the garbage man to pick up today, so my car was out some time last night. And light was on in garage. Stuff was different. I had car on right side so I could drag the shyt carpet strips to street. But I put car back in garage when I got done. To get rid of all this carpet is going to take another four go rounds at least. These garbage guys will only take so much at once. Man, I bet that is what has been stirring all of the trouble up. The cutting carpet is so muck easier in the cold weather - no sweating, and no smell. The knife goes through it real easy cause it's sort of stiff from the cold, and not flapping around. But I can only do so much at a time. I have two loads ahead from last nights work. I guess this does look suspicious, from an outsider's point of view. I don't like not bring able to walk in and out the door freely. And now it bugs me that there might be some watching going on at night. It does no good to call police - cause their already gone. I wait till it's dark to go to mailbox. Yas Edited January 31, 2014 by Yasuandio Link to post Share on other sites
Author Yasuandio Posted February 2, 2014 Author Share Posted February 2, 2014 This is correct Yaz Best option is to return to sender and state opened in error and give his new address. And yes the debt solely in his name wont show up on your rating YES --- Shocked Suzie - this is best choice. I break no law this way. I didn't open on purpose - there is so many mails coming here, and I'm still stressed out over that legal harassment last weekend. I took almost double amount of my usual anxiety medication. I cannot focus on anything, except LS, it helps me get my mind off my own problems and help others. I am feeling the urge to stir up some trouble with those medical records and my former mean and hateful divorce attorney. I read it is a violation of HIPPA to give a patient a forensic psychiatric report that was conducted for legal reasons. That was also spelled out in the Consent of Confidentiality Order. (sidebar: I cannot find a copy of that Order that has been signed by the judge, and its missing from my attorney's chronology files). The Bar hasn't done anything, yet. Might as well turn it in to a government org in the meantime. I don't know how I handle all this stuff with the aggravation of former husband. Wish for peace and no worries, I am so tired. Yas Link to post Share on other sites
Shocked Suzie Posted February 3, 2014 Share Posted February 3, 2014 Trust me I have lots of experience of debt mail in the ex's name...return to sender is the best stress free way. Even my parents had debt letters coming to their house...they are totally square and were stressing big time, they did RTS and I called the banks and they took their address off their collection system. wish I could help advise you with your other troubles!! sounds like a nightmare! No sleep is not good hey! really effects concentration and coping. There are herbal things you can take too, also a teaspoon of honey before bed, was told that helps. your a fab help here Yas...try not to worry over all this Link to post Share on other sites
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