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I've been talking to this guy for about a month now everthing is going great so far but I compared his astrology to mine and it said we are not compatible. Ido not understand we really get along very well. Should I not belive the internet astrology and just go with what I feel. I really want this to work!!

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Justg because something is on the internet does not make it true. I have read those internet astrology match-ups and they contain a lot of contradictory stuff. Like in one paragraph it can say that I am outgoing and in the second paragraph that I am shy and hide away from people.


So don't go by what some stranger writes on the internet. Go with your feelings.

I've been talking to this guy for about a month now everthing is going great so far but I compared his astrology to mine and it said we are not compatible. Ido not understand we really get along very well. Should I not belive the internet astrology and just go with what I feel. I really want this to work!!
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You should ALWAYS go with your feelings before anything else.


There have been hundreds of millions of people on the planet through the ages who have entered into highly successful relationships without the aid of astrological charts or dependence upon astrology.


It is not only highly irrational but absolutely insane to base a relationship decision on something that most people consider is for entertainment purposes only.


Astrologers, like doctors, lawyers, presidents, Gods, etc., sometimes get it right, sometimes wrong. If astrologers were so hot, they would be able to help people avoid such tragedies as the murder of seven persons today at an Internet consultin firm near Boston.


Astrology is mostly for fun. But, like anything else, it only has the power over you that you give it. If you place a great deal of power in astrology, psychics, numerology, and all the other new age stuff, you are bound to have a life of hell.


Dating is a personal decision you make based on your own feelings, without the aid of atrological charts, computers, etc.


Even astrology itself is highly imprecise and depends on very accurate information about the individuals including exact time and place of birth. There are dozens of variations in alignment of planets, houses, etc., that go into preparing charts that astrologists consider to be valid.


Now, your astrology chart said you and this guy were not compatible. Real life evidence shows you are getting along pretty well.


There's a good reason why newspaper astrology readings contain disclaimers that they are for entertainment purposes only. The National Association of Broadcasters guidelines call for broadcast stations to require such disclaimers on all advertising for astrologers, psychics, etc. (The greatest number of psychic hotlines, including the Psychic Friends Network which offered astrological readings as part of their fare, have gone bankrupt owing creditors millions of dollars).


You have never lived until you have gone to a gypsy for a psychic or palm reading. I go about once a year just to have my spine tickled. Every single one of them has always given me a free reading, told me I have some evil spirits lurking in me, and that they would be delighted to rid them for me for between $200 and $500. If I gave power to what they said, these "evil spirits" would make my life a living hell.


Sorry for the tangent, back to your question. No matter what anyone tells you in life, what they say only has the power over you that you give it. Unfortunately a seed has been planted in your mind. Unless you get rid of it quickly, things won't work out between you and this guy because your mind is powerful and it directs the course of your life.


Don't stay away from astrologers or anyone else you want to see. But take that crap with a grain of salt. No offense to those who enjoy astrology.


By the way, my sign is "yeild."

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Justg because something is on the internet does not make it true. I have read those internet astrology match-ups and they contain a lot of contradictory stuff. Like in one paragraph it can say that I am outgoing and in the second paragraph that I am shy and hide away from people. So don't go by what some stranger writes on the internet. Go with your feelings.
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