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Story about a girl

The Next Big Thing

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The Next Big Thing

A year ago I was on high school in the last year, I was 4 weeks before the graduation. Like 2 years before that I had seen this girl sitting on bench in the corridor probably waiting for a class. I have never really spotted her before but when I saw her I immediately got crush on her. She was looking like a Snow white to me. Long dark black hair, which most of the times seemed like raven dark black. beautiful big green/blue eyes. Full lips and a gorgeous smile. Since then, always when I saw her my heart jumped to my throat and I got adrenaline rush, I dont know why. I had mutual friend with her, even my classmate and friend was her friend and was talking with her on regular basis at one point of time, but I never talked with her.

But back to the last year of high school, I am 4 weeks away from graduation. I had one female friend, I was talking to her on daily basis basically, she was probably my best female friend and one of the best friends. I could talk about lot of stuff with her. We were classmates and one day when classes ended, I still had 2 classes left but after 40 minutes break, so i decided Im gonna go to school canteen with this friend. When we left the canteen we went down the school walkway and when we were before the school building where our class room was, I wanted to go there but when I saw this girl I had crush on was walking out from that building and she said "hi" to my female friend, I knew they know each other and I figured out they go on the same bus stop together. So I said to my friend "Im gonna go with you", my friend said "ok.".

We were walking the walkway and this conversation suddenly happened:

my crush - "no, dont go with us"

me - surprised ..... "why?"

my crush - "I have to discuss something with her (my friend)."

my friend - "we can talk in the bus"

my crush - she was thinking for a second and smiled a little and said "no we cant"

me - "alright, so Im gonna go back to classroom, see you"

I turned around and went away. Later that evening I was chatting with that friend of mine about what happened , saying " I hope you had a nice talk." ..my friend laughed and basically told me that girl (my crush) just looked at her when I left and was like "what the hell?", she told me she was just joking..and I said "what kind of humor is that?" .. she said "well, if you knew her you would understand"..and laughed ..


Next day in school, i was talking with this female friend and suddenly this crush came to classroom door and waved at my friend so she stood up and was going to her, I asked "is that her?" .. and she said "yes it her!" .. she said it in that kind of way like she was a little bit angry but also smiling , like she thought I would yell at her because of what she did to me ... I stood up and went to them. Immediately when she saw me she started laughing and I looked at her and told her smiling "You made a fun of me, right?" .. she said " you cant take that so seriously" and just laughed also my friend was laughing . i started to smile cause it was funny I dont even know what I said then but nothing much I just left back to classroom saying "see you"...


Since then I was always going to bus stop with my friend cause I wanted to meet this girl. I didnt want to wait for her, I was afraid I would look like a desperate weirdo. But now I think I should have done it. I think next week I went with my friend after our class ended and in the corridor this my crush was sitting on bench writing something on phone. I said "hi", she said "hi" , my friend greeted her and my crush asked her "do you go to bus stop?" , my friend said "yes, but I go to another town " (they are from the same town and travel together but that day my friend went to another town for shopping) ... and I said one thing, I dont know why I thought that the bus to another town goes from another bus stop..it went form the same bus stop probably same bus, but I didnt think so at that moment and I told to my crush " we go to different bus stop than you do" .. I told it in a scorn way, but in a funny way, I didnt really mean it in a scorn way... she just laughed , she thought Im making fun of her, cause every bus to that town goes form the same bus stop .....

My friend went to toilette and meanwhile i sat next to this girl and talked with her a bit. I screwed it up, cause I was so nervous from her when we were so close.

Then I went to bus stop with my friend, when she was entering the bus I said "bye" and was walking back to school and on the way back I met this girl, she was walking down the sidewalk with one boy classmate (at first I thought its her boyfriend but he was not, they werent even talking).. from the distance already she was smiling at me and i said "hi" when we got close and she also said "hi" smiling.


Since then I was always sitting on the bench before her class , when my class finished earlier so I could meet her..but "officially" I was there waiting for my female friend so I can go to bus stop with her... once my crush came out of that class and I said "hey, you go to bus?" .. she said "yes, but I go to the station (another bus stop)" .. she didnt even look at me, she was just walking away, I didnt know what should I ask her to stop her so I just said one big bull*hit "havent you seen *my female friends name*?" , she said "No I havent" .. I was thinking Im gonna go with her to that station but I realized I made a deal with my friend that Im gonna wait her.. I dont think she really cared, but I didnt want to break the promise anyway..

..then I just wasnt seeing this crush on the bus stop...

..the week before graduation we always have like farewell ceremony, and after a speech you just go to people who are standing by the walls of that big hall and say goodbye to othem .. of course for those who you know personally, something more is usually required , like few words etc.. I was shaking everyones ahnd, also few words with friends, hugs with 2 female friends I think and when I came to this crush, she wasnt even looking at me, I just shook her hand, and dissapointed and sad went further ... I thought the last time we see each other she would at least smile at me I dont know what happened to her, I have no idea, she was not like that the first 2 weeks we knew each other...well, like one week before the farewell ceremony, she put on facebook a status that shes in relationship...but I dont know if that would cause that change..? It really ruined me, I really thought that would be a girl that will suit me look-wise and personality-wise. And it really looked like we were gonna get together soon but she just was behaving different later.






Since then, I havent met her. But I became a really good friend with one of her classmates, and really good friend of her. I didnt become friends with him because of her, but because we just suit each other personality-wise , we are good friends. Im always thinking, that maybe somehow through him I can meet her, but I dont know how. She broke up with that boyfriend she had and after some time she got in relationship with another one.. she was posting photos of them etc but now when she posts a photo, its only her, not him, she doesnt even mentions him, he isnt even in relationship on facebook, but Im not sure, maybe they broke up or maybe not, I have no idea...

...I just know that Im always thinking about her, and eventhough some hot girls have went after me at university, I just didnt feel that way I felt next to this girl...shes somehow special to me, but I dont know how she remembers me and if we would meet how she would behave. I thought about contacting her through facebook but thats really something I want to avoid. I hate using facebook for "first contact" ... I dont know if and how should I meet her and get to know her better. Because I screwed it a little bit the last time, cause I was in a hurry, I knew I had just like 4 weeks left in that school, and only about 7 days when I could meet her and also not all of them I met her.. I was maybe trying too hard , I dont know. What should I do now about her?

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