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Drifting away from friends :(

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I've been friends with this guy since high school. We used to do a lot of stuff together, but life of course changed as it always does.


You see, he quickly got married, had multiple kids, and has a great job with all the material objects anyone could want. This does not describe me, at all.


I want to stress, I'm NOT jealous or insecure about it. Stuff like that shouldn't matter, but the thing is his friends and even his own family will sometimes bring it up.


Cases in point:


His brother asked if I was "gay" since he's never seen me with a GF.


One of his friends laughed that I must be afraid of girls, again since I don't have a GF.


His mother once said "you're in a rut" when I simply told her nothing was new with me.


His father used to ritualistically inquire about whether I took a civil service test; implying my current line of work wasn't good enough.


I just find it draining to be around these people, and so sometimes I blow off going to see him, because usually they're around.


Has anyone else experienced this?


Your lifestyles just get so far apart, and you just don't feel like you belong in their social circle.

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I think that if they are draining on you and you get tired of the comments and the questions, then drifting away is ok. You are constantly changing and you sound as if you have grown in a different direction. I have let many friends "go" because of reasons similar to this. Different goals, different outlooks...just not good for me to be around if I feel critisized. Just because you have been friends for a long time doesn't mean it was meant to be life long.


I have an old best friend who I did everything with. We drifted apart after high school. Now--after college and we have both been established in our own lives-we got together again and I find that we have NOTHING in common. I found her rather crass and complaining all the time. It's like I couldn't even hang with her socially as I once did.


Im not upset about it...it is what it is. I just let it go. I think that is ok.


Why do anything that makes you uncomfortable?

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