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What is happiness to you?

Flying Goose

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Yes, I know - a strange question to ask! But, nonetheless, I think you should try answering it - to see if you even can. It is interesting what can be learnt about emotions from asking questions as simple as this. Have a go!


I'll try and answer it too, but I want to see what other's opinions/answers are first.

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Happiness to me...


Hearing my little people laugh.

Seeing them try and succeed.

Feeling thier little hands holding mine.


Being understood.. I know it may seem odd.. but damn it is so good when you feel someone understands you, and Loves you sometimes in spite of yourself.


Rain and thunderstorms...

A great song on the radio when I'm driving all alone.

Pay day :laugh:


Making someone laugh so hard they have tears!!!

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Originally posted by Nocturnalkitee

:D Excellent light answer without going overboard. You made me smile... thanks :D:bunny:


:o Thank you.. in turn, you've made me smile.

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Happiness to me is......erm.....


the feeling i get when I have achieved something I wanted, having loved ones around me, knowing that tomorrow is a brand new day and the sun will shine again, ..... many things, just to name a few.


I feel that happiness should starts from "me liking me".... self contentment..... erm... happy with who you are, what you have, etc<<< not sure if this explains much. :p

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Sami, after a I get out of my bad situation, that is what I am going to look for. It is on my "new life to do list" I just don't think it exists. I hope I'm wrong.


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Think too much

Happiness to me is knowing that I have touched many lives. I have made a difference in this world. I can have a choice on how to live my life. I have freedom! I can accomplish anything I want to. I wake up everyday knowing that if I died tomorrow it would be ok because I lived and enjoyed life... The good and the bad!

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To me happiness is:


Puppy Breath! :love:


There is nothing on the planet that can make me as totally happy as a puppy dog. I look forward to hugging mine when I get home and I miss them when I leave in the morning. They own me and I love it and they allow me to feel perfect peace and happiness, and my best laughter is with them.


A Puppy for President! :laugh:

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Happiness to me is to be left not wanting anything. To feel that you have everything you want is the best feeling.


Perfect contentment.

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:) I'm with Merin.


Happiness is looking into my baby daughter's face and seeing her unconditional love for me.


Her little hands as she plays.

Her tiny little voice.

The fact that she loves to snuggle as much as I do.

When I cry she comforts me and always puts a smile on my face.

That sparkle in her eyes that's always there.

Her little piggy toes.

The fascination she has for each new day.


You get the picture. She is my happiness. :)

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Sleeping in on a cold, rainy day and snuggling in my bed which has never been more comfortable.


Eating a delicious meal that completely satisfies me, and doesn't overstuff me.


Laughing my ass off at a comedy.


Finding a girl who can actually make out well.


Red light turning to green light just as the music you're listening to gets exciting.


Good cheesecake.


Getting drunk with friends and having the time of our lives.


Laying my head in my mother's lap as she plays with my hair.


When my cat was around, the way she'd look up at me and meow with pure love.


Stuff like that.

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Kev - I'll send you my cat - she'd love you ;) I love her dearly but she hogs my bed and I can't get her to sleep elsewhere. It's sweet but....that's MY bed - not hers :laugh:

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Oh gosh yes, cats.


The way the 3 of them look at me with such love in their eyes when I come home from work...the way they follow me around the tiny apartment we live in (it gets kinda crowded in the bathroom with the 4 of us in there)...the way one of them

snuggles up to my chest when I'm sleeping on my side - then when I switch sides, he hurdles over my body so he can again curl up right next to my heart.

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I wouldn't want a cat to sleep anywhere else other than in my bed with me.


I LOVED it when Willie would sleep against my arm, like line herself up lengthwise against it. <sigh>



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I'm sorry about Willie - Kev. :(


My cat is very sweet and I love going to sleep with her next to me, however, every morning about two hours before I'm to get up to go to work she's wants to play. Like everyone else those two hours are crucial.


I've tried to get her to sleep in one of the other bedrooms or even with my 3 yr old but she's been with me so long she think's the master suite is hers. I gues that would make her the queen of my castle? :laugh:


That's ok I love her.

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Kev, those are all wonderful things, but if that is your pic I can't imagine you have any trouble finding a girl who can make out well. I thought that was something only we girls have to deal with. Most men don't like to make out, and if they do they aren't very good at it. (sorry guys, just my experience).


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hapiness to me is being with a girl i love and having close really good best freinds. thats all i need to be happy.

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