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I'm confused, scared, and upset... please help!

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Ok well I used to self inflict by beating myself with hammers or dropping dressers on body parts. Things got worse over the last two months and i switched from that to a cutter. My mother found out. 2 days ago i got into a huge argument with my parents. I don't know how to express my feelings. I'm scared of my dad! 2 years ago he hit me so hard i had a black eye! So I get scared. And he tried to hit me two days ago but i locked myself in the bathroom and i cut myself. When my mom attempted to look at my arm i ran. Then she was threatening to send me to a psyche ward but she changed her mind. Now i have to go to an evaluation tomorrow. I'm not even sure what to do. My mom feels like it's her fault b/c she didn't act the way she should have when i was much younger. Does anybody have any ideas?

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Originally posted by crazimonkey

Ok well I used to self inflict by beating myself with hammers or dropping dressers on body parts. Things got worse over the last two months and i switched from that to a cutter. My mother found out. 2 days ago i got into a huge argument with my parents. I don't know how to express my feelings. I'm scared of my dad! 2 years ago he hit me so hard i had a black eye! So I get scared. And he tried to hit me two days ago but i locked myself in the bathroom and i cut myself. When my mom attempted to look at my arm i ran. Then she was threatening to send me to a psyche ward but she changed her mind. Now i have to go to an evaluation tomorrow. I'm not even sure what to do. My mom feels like it's her fault b/c she didn't act the way she should have when i was much younger. Does anybody have any ideas?


Please get some help before you really really hurt yourself.


Go to the evaluation tomorrow and be honest when you are there... don't be afraid to reach out to people.


Keep posting

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I think you should pray about it more than anything. Do you think that God hears our prayers? Well I can tell you he does. Just pray out to God and ask for his help. He does hear our prayers. Please don't hurt yourself anymore! Why do you think you do that?? Are you trying to get back at your parents?? If your feeling pain and hurt, really just cry out to God and pray. You'll feel his presence if you ask for his help.

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I'm confused, I am honestly not so sure why. My evaluation got pushed aside for now b/c my mom got stuck at work. I'm not trying get back at my parents. My moms busy with my younger siblings and my older sibling. I've always been able to take care of myself- so they thought! Until a couple years ago i snapped. I can seem normal but not be it which scares my mom.

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Well just remember that no matter what someone has done to you, they can't ever take away your hope for a future. You have to remember that you always have hope, don't ever think otherwise. God bless you my friend.

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you are the first person to ever say that. That was a lil' blunt i guess would be the way to put that... but ok thanks for stating your opinion but without word behind that i'm not sure if i should take that to offense.

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