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The small advantage of this problem is that when you are dating guys it can help you pick out the nice guys quickly.

Are they the ones who don't mind if you fart?


But seriously, let me give you some real help, Alisa.


Here is a medical doctor's web site that includes lots of info, plus a sample "antigas" diet: http://www.gicare.com/pated/edtgs12.htm


Prevention tips: http://www.askmen.com/sports/health/38_mens_health.html


Beano proved effective: http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1585/is_n6_v20/ai_16816260


Also to be avoided: sugarfree gum - the sugar substitutes apparently contribute to gas


How about focussing on multiple goals:

* Reduced frequency

* Reduced noise

* Reduced smell


And when you finally get it figured out: post the answer, I am sure there are many who would like to know.

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:):D:laugh: Hey everybody! Just wnated to let people know that my horible fart issue is basicaly no more!!! That beano stiff is a miracle drug or something-itmust be! My colin(colan, whatever) is back to normal Yippee! I even canceled the dr. appointment my mom made me for christmas vac. And fyi I have not chaged my diet at all. The only thin I did along those lines is to up my water intake. Mybe that halfassed dr. at the infirmory was right after all, even if he had a shi**y bedside manner. Ohwell, who cares? I don't have to go foghorning my way through life anymore and thats all that matters. thanx to all for all the advise and support, you guys are GREAT!!!!


P.S. If anyone else outhere is having an assgas porblem, try that BEANO!!! :D:):)

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